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Where we're from, there's no sun
Our hometown's in the dark
Where we're from, we're no one
Our hometown's in the dark


The car ride to L.A. helped me collect my thoughts before arriving at the apartment Alexander was lending me. There was no point in hiding it, I was fucking terrified to come back here. I knew I wasn't going near my old neighborhood and I was quite far out from the actual city, but it's thought of me being closer than I've been in seven years.

As soon as I entered the city limits, I made sure to keep my eyes glued to the car right in front of me and only look around me when I needed to know where I was heading. I never let my hands let go of the wheel and even under the dark pollution-filled sky, you can visibly see how white my knuckles were. When I got to the place Alexander lent to me for the weekend, my hands felt sore and I had to wiggle them around before I could bring in my duffle bag.

My night went by pretty fast, I tried occupying my mind with things so I didn't have to fully realize I was in L.A., all alone. I took advantage of the 24-hour Chinese takeout place that is surprisingly still open after all these years to calm my nerves and it really helped, considering the fact that I passed out less than 30 minutes later.

I woke up to a dark and quiet house. There weren't any claws scratching against the wood floors because of Rambo's running like a maniac at 7 am or any open blinds to let the San Diego sun seep through. The bedroom was very dark, very sleek, there was no thought or story behind any of the decor or interior design. It was like they decided to go with solely dark colors because a pop of color would make the men that had stayed here suddenly get their humanity back, and the blackout curtains were in place because we were not allowed to feel the perfect warmth against our sinful skin.

I stayed in bed for quite a bit, letting my head go on little adventures on its own. I never thought I'd say this but I missed my little alarm clock of a cat. I don't remember the last time I woke up and not cursing Rambo out first thing in the morning, but right now that's all I want to do. I wanted to be at home, my real home, cursing out an animal in a language they don't understand and a few moments later pick him up and force him to stay in bed with me till I decide to fully get up. But here I am in this unknown house, all alone, as if I was a helpless teenager once again.

The blackout curtains really messed with my concept of time because I got out of bed three minutes before the clock hit 1:00 pm. With the shortage of proper ingredients and my lack of cooking skills, the leftovers from last night will do. I thought maybe staying inside till I had to leave and pick up Alexander's package will help me disassociate with my current location, but all it was doing was making me feel even more isolated.

After I finished the cold noodles, still relatively delicious if I may say, I opened every single one of the windows in the apartment. The sun thanked me by the way it completely lit up the dark interior of the place, slightly warming up the temperature as well. The newfound openness of the layout got my mind thinking back to work though, did Alexander assign anyone to protect while I was here? Or was this assignment completely off-the-books?

I can feel myself slowly getting furious, he wouldn't actually put one of his men in that type of danger... would he? I mean, just because he didn't want me telling any of the boys doesn't mean he wasn't going to tell anyone in the alliance, right?

I pull out my phone and search for 'Alexander Einar' on my speed dial. I click on the name and wait for the rings to turn into his evil voice. The phone was on speaker while I headed over to the hidden closet that kept all of the weapons that had the possibility of being needed.

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