𝖎. when night emerged

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into the forest, the option of turning back began to slip from her grasps, leaving her without any idea on where to turn next. The trees surrounding Marella were now cloaked in white velvet, and while she could drag her hand across their trunks, taking in the crinkles of their wooden body, they remained silent, unable to navigate her to safety.

The coldness had reached her skin, thus her battered jacket was presumed useless, and while she picked up her pace, boots hitting the ground with sustainable force, the night air was faster, wicking her heat away quicker than her body could replace it. The brittle breeze hurled itself under Marella's clothes, weaving its way through the layers she had slipped on, and soon she was left with no choice but to close her eyelids in order to block out the salty sting.

The air appeared to be so chilled it hurt to breathe, and as the girl finally pulled herself to an abrupt halt, hands clutching onto a nearby tree for support, she only longed to be indoors.

Time was coming slowly, each minute dragging itself on, and the hopes of the fog clearing up became an impossible dream. But just as she thought it couldn't get any worse, a bellowing howl fizzled into the air with force, proving her statement very false.

Marella's eyes jolted open, though they shouldn't of bothered as they were merely greeted with the familiar cloud, so she acted swiftly, survival instincts kicking in as she pulled her limbs behind the tree. The girls body began to shake, whether it was due to a questionable beast nearby or the coldness , she did not know, nor did she care. Now the only thought in her mind was to stay safe, to stay alive, though the future was uncertain, and she didn't know what she was going to be greeted by.

Her hands scavenged the dirt floor beneath her, searching for some weapon she could use in defence, but Marella was only greeted with heaps of brown soil, leaving her palms dirty and weaponless. "Fuck." she breathed under her breath, back now pressed up against the body of the tree as she played the part of a statue, forcing her frame into utter stillness. The piercing cries of the beast grew closer, and within a short span of time, she was able to taste them on the tip of her tongue. Marella cursed herself silently for not bringing her wand, though it didn't matter anymore, really, nothing did.

Oh, luna dearest    ━━   s.blackWhere stories live. Discover now