Our Life Now

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Abigail's P.O.V.

------------2 Weeks later-----------

Calum has been working and I've been at home. Calum asked me to be his girlfriend last week. I wasn't ready but I had to move on. Calums mom gave us money to get by until calum got money. Calum and I got a flat together. The baby will arrive in two weeks. Its 3:15 pm, Calum should be home in less than an hour.

*knock knock*

I went to go get it. I looked in the peep hole and it was calum? I opened it.

"Calum what happened to your key?" I said.

"I forgot it. I'm sorry" Calum said
"It's okay, but why are you home early?"
"I have a surprise for you. go change"

I went to change into something comfortable but descent clothes. I came back down and Calum rushed me into the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Abby, we need to break up" Calum said looking at the road.
"What? Why?"
"Because look" he said pointing at something out side of the window.

I turned my head and I couldn't believe my eyes. I ran out of the car and jumped into His arms, even though I'm heavier than I was before because of the baby, I'm surprised he can pick me up.

"Oh my god I've missed you so much" I said kissing him.
"I've missed you too baby" Luke said, putting me down." And oh my lord. my baby has gotten bigger." he said rubbing my bump. then I remembered.
"Luke, where's my brother?" I asked.
"I'm right here" I turned around and hugged him.

"I love you sis" Michael said sniffling
"I love you too mikey" I said crying to his chest.

Luke and Calum joined in the hug. to bad Ashton wasn't here, but he's working. we'll surprise him later.

"Calum how did you find them?" I asked.
"Well Luke called me on a ppay phone then I told him to meet me here and when they got here Luke called me to pick them up with you." Calum said.
"Thank you" I said hugging calum.

We got in the car with Michael in the front with calum and Luke in the back with me.

"So Calum have you been taking care of my girl?" Luke asked.
"Yep. just like you said"

We got back to the flat, Luke rushed me to my room. He opened the door and jumped on the bed. I just stood at the door way.

"Come here" Luke said. I waddled over to him and sat in front of him.

"Did I tell you that I love you so much?" Luke asked.
"Not lately" I said.
"Well I do"
"Baby how did you and Michael get out? please tell me that you didn't get her pregnant"

Luke than told me how they got out and how he didn't get her pregnant.

--------3 weeks later----------

So the baby didnt come on time and Calum moved out so Luke can move in. I was supposed to have the baby last Tuesday but I guess they want to stay inside. I don't blame them its a messed up world. I woke up because I felt something wet on the bed. I looked at the alarm clock. 2:45am. Ugh. I felt around and it was a big puddle that was wet. I shook Luke to wake him up.

"Get up dorkenstein." I said smacking him in the face. He woke up.
"Hm?" I said looking up.
"Go turn on the lights now" I said starting to panic. Luke went to turn on the lights. As soon as he turned on the lights a pulled the blankets off of me and looked. I let out a breath in relief.
"What baby?" Luke asked, whilst I got up and grabbed stuff.
"My water broke. Let's go to the hospital. I'll be in the car." I said trying to be calm like the doc said.
"What?!?" Luke practically screamed.
"Shh. The doc said to stay calm when my water breaks. Now stay calm"

We got into the car and drove to the hospital. Once we got to the hospital luke ran to get a wheelchair for me. He pushed me in the hospital and they got me into a room quick. I lyed down on the bed in the room. Letting my contractions give me pain.

Luke flipped ever time I had a contraction because I was in pain. He asked about epidural but I didn't want to drug me up and the babies. Finally my contraction ended and I lyed down in my sweat.

"Knock knock. Hello ms.Clifford. how are we today?" The doc asked.
"oh I'm great I'm just IN PAIN FROM THESE STUPID CONTRACTIONS!!" I yelled.
"Oh don't worry the babies are ready. Are you ready to be a mommy?"
"I don't care I just want them out!"
"Okay is the father the only one helping you give birth?". I shook my head.
"Luke can you get Michael?." I asked.

Luke nodded and ran to get him. Luke called the boys on the way. Michael and luke got suited up. Luke wait on my left and michael was on my right.

"Okay. So when I say push you are going to push from your bottom" the doc said and I nodded.
"Okay push"

I pushed everything that I had in me. Luke and michael whimper and me squeezing their hands tightly. I was screaming and pushing until I heard a baby cry. I stopped and relaxed for a minute.

"Okay get ready to push again. Push" and I went through the same pain as i did last time. Finally I heard it again. The cry of my baby. No. Our baby. Half me. Half luke. I'm so glad I had these babies with luke

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a really long time. I'm serious I will try and update more, but I just went through a break up so idk. I'll try guys for you. ILYGSM!!!!

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