It Was You?!

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I woke up with a pounding in my head so I got up. But I was cold. I looked down and I was naked. WAIT?! WHAT?! ouch shit my head. I just grabbed a shirt and went down stairs safely so I don't fall and hurt my self. I got to the kitchen and grabbed the ibuprofen ( I don't know what you guys use in your country but where I live we use ibuprofen or Advil) and a cup of water. I put the pill in my mouth and chugged it down with water.  5 minutes later my head felt better and I put my glass in the sink. two pair of hands rapped around me slowly.

"hello beautiful last night was amazing. I see your wearing my shirt huh?!" he said. That accent was so familiar. I turned around and there stood the last person I could aspect.

"LUKE?!" I said
"ABIGAIL?!" Luke said. I was wide eyed because that means we... and he to me..... last night.
"That means we..."
"I guess. but let me tell you something. you were pretty damn good"
"oh god I think I'm going to be sick" I ran to the rubbish can and threw up everything I had in my stomach.
"Wait?! Did we use protection?!" he asked
"For gods sakes. I'm not pregnant, Luke!" I said smacking him in the arm.

I ran up stairs and changed in some comfortable clothes. Luke walked in right when I took his shirt off of me.

"Damn was it that good that you want more?!" he said looking and my Boob's.

I hurried up and put my bra on and one of MY shirts. Luke took his back and put it on. I cleaned up my room a bit because I just hate when its messy and at least my rooms cleaner than down stairs. Ha my brother has to deal with that. MY BROTHER! If he found out I had sex with Luke he'll kill Luke and them me. I looked at Luke. He gave me a confused looked.

"Luke you can not tell any one that we had sex okay?!" I told him
"oh come on why n-"
"no. no one okay?!" I said serious
"fine. fine. I won't tell if..."
"No if"
"fine then I'll just te-"
"fine if what?!" I asked being irritated enough and he just smirked at me. oh hell to the no.
"NO.NO. NOT AGAIN!" I yelled
"Shh unless you want your brother to find out and if you don't do it I'll just call-"
"fine" I was already tired of his bullshit.
"Be at my place at midnight. see you there sweet cheeks" he said slapping my ass and walking out whilst smirking.

I walked out of my room and my brother and a chick walked out of his room. I heard the front door shut. Thank god that devil was out of my sight. My brother chick walked down the stairs and out the door. My brother looked at me confused.

"Who left before she did?!" he asked me. Shit.
" was Luke. he.. erm...woke up in the guest bedroom and just left" I told him. at least I told him half of the truth.
"oh..okay well I'm going back to sleep"
"wait! what are you doing tonight?!" I asked him to make sure he's not going to Luke's.
"Nothing just going to Calum's to have band practice. why?!"
"oh because I wanted to sleep at a friends house tonight" please work please work
"oh okay just be safe" he said walking back into his room
"trust me I will" I said under my breath
"what was that?!"
"nothing. I didn't say anything. I'm going to Alex's house. bye" I said running down stairs and out the door.

Once I got to Alexis's house I just walked in because her parents aren't home and she knows I always just walk in.

"ALEX?!" I yelled
"UP HERE" she said.

I can tell Alexis she won't tell anyone not even Ashton. so I'm good the only reason I don't want Luke to tell anyone because if they're friend with Luke then they will tell everyone in the neighborhood. I ran up stairs and Alexis was on her bed watching MeanGirls, typical Alex. I jump right next to her.

"hey I need to talk to you and its important" I said picking at my nail polish. She quickly turned off the TV.
"OMG you like someone?!"
"what no-"
"your dating someone?!"
"no just lis-"
"oh no you've got another tattoo?!"
"JUST LISTEN ALEX!" she shut up quick. "before I say anything you need to promise you won't say anything to anyone"
"I promise" she said holding her pinky out and I linked it with hers.

I told her everything with what happened with Luke. That he wants me to meet him tonight. I didn't tell her about the part when we didn't use protection. Honestly I'm scared because I'm too young to have a baby and with Luke.

"So are you going to go?!" she asked me.
"of course I don't want my brother knowing what happened!" I said making an obvious answer.
"okay okay just be careful okay?!"
"I will don't worry"

She decided to watch some movies to keep things off of my mind. I just couldn't get the fact that I might be pregnant out of my mind. If I am, I'm going to keep the baby, but I don't think Luke will help. I mean we hate each others guts, so I don't think he will. About 5 movies later I looked at the clock. 11:15 pm.

"Alexis I have to go" I said looking at the clock. she turned her head in the same direction and nodded at me.
"here just in case" she handed me a condom. I nodded and put it in my purse. I hugged her and left. I just want to get this over with.

I got to Luke's house, I looked at my watch. 11:45pm. I turned off my motorcycle, put the stand up, took off my helmet and grabbed my purse from the back compartment. Let's go ruin my life some more. I got to his patio and I knocked. seconds later Luke opened the door smirking.

"Wipe that smirk off your face" I said walking into his house. "So where's your parents?!"
"They're out of town for the week. Up stairs beautiful or do you want to do it on the couch?!" he said pointing to the front room. I just rolled my eyes and started walking up stairs. I knew this house inside and out, my mom was Liz's best friend so we came over a lot. I went to Luke's room.

"I see you haven't changed a bit" I said remembering the dirty floors, food and drinks all over.
"Come on" he said taking off his clothes.

I took off my jacket, then shirt, then pants. I left my underwear and bra on because he left his. But then he plugged in his phone into his Ihome and Ching-a-LingbyMissyElliotwas playing. I just rolled my eyes. He sat on the edge of his bed and motioned his hand to go over there. I walked over there and stood in front of him with my hands on my hips. He stood up and looked down at me since I was short but not to short. He's like 6.1, I'm 5.3.

"I want you to dance for me and make me feel good" he whispered in my ear.

Then he sat back down and I turned around and started getting to work. He then grabbed my hips and pulled me closer.

"you know Im really glad you chose this instead off ditching" he  whispered in my ear whilst grabbing my boob with one of his hands.
"well I didn't want my brother to know" I said.
"ugh get up" sadly I did as I was told. "Bed. Now." he said pointing to the bed and I layed down on my back.

He opened my legs and started to kiss my inner thigh getting closer to my entrance. Once he got to my entrance he kissed my underwear before moving it to the side and started to licking my entrance in circles. He then put his tongue in my entrance and worked in and out. I moaned in pleasure.

"Oh you like that now huh?! I think you'll like this better"

He smashed his fingers in me and I screamed his name. He started to work them in and out of me and he started to lick me. He finally pulled out of me. He kissed my entrance, pulled my underwear off and crawled up to me where he was face to face on top of me.

"You don't need this for a while" Luke said taking my bra off and throwing it across the room.

We looked each other in the eyes. Even though I hate him, he does have nice blue eyes. We both started to lean in and our lips met. It felt like fireworks were going off. wait. what. no. shut up Abigail. you can not fall for him. but the kiss was so passionate and I didn't feel like I wanted to kill him. Once we pulled away I was in shock and he looked like it too.

"Abby im sorry I don't want to do this anymore. you can leave if you want." Luke said. I was in total shock, but he looked upset.
"Actually I told my brother that I was going to spend the night at a friends so I can't go home. C-Can I stay here?!" I asked. He looked up in total shock. Hell I know I was in shock.
"Can I have something comfortable to wear?!" I said smiling a bit.
"of course" he said smiling showing his white teeth.

That was hot. No. Abigail shut the fuck up. He threw me one of his shirts and some boxers. I handed him his boxers back because I only wear shirts and underwear to sleep. It just comfortable for me. I grabbed my underwear and put it on and the shirt. I crawled in under the covers next to Luke. Luke got under the covers with me and pulled me closer to him to where I was cuddling him now. I liked it like this. I felt protected.

"Good night Abby" Luke said
"good night Luke" I said.

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