The Truth

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"Abby Can we take a walk?!" Luke asked me.

"Of course" I said and we started walking down the shore.

Luke and I left our shoes on the back patio at the house. We walked for about 10 minutes and its been silent, an uncomfortable silence. I think now would be a great time to talk about the baby situation. I looked to Luke.

"L-luke c-can I talk t-to you ab-bout something?!" I said stuttering because I was scared and nervous.

"Of course. are you okay?!" he asked looking worried.

"I don't know. I mean I am physically. but I'm just scared of how your reactions going be when I tell you this"

"What is it?! and if you think I'm going to hurt you with whatever your going to say, I'm not okay?!" I just nodded.

"okay so lately I've been throwing up and having weird cravings and I ju-"

"You think your pregnant?!" he asked me.

I nodded. he ran in front of me and stopped me. He looked me in the eyes with a serious face and grabbed my shoulders.

"Do you know for sure?!" he asked me. I shook my head.

"are you going to take a pregnancy test?!" he said

"Yeah. I'm gonna ask alexis' to get it for me and I'm going to stay at her house"

"She can't tell anyone until we decide its okay to"

I nodded and I started to cry. Luke came up to me and hugged me and rubbed my back to calm me down. He pulled away and looked at me.

"No matter what only if you aren't pregnant I will be their and help support you" he said smiling which made me smile.

We walked back to the house and everyone except Luke's and my family left. I told my mom and dad that I was spending the night at Alexis' house and they said it was fine. I ran up stairs with Luke and packed some clothes and things I needed for over night. It was only 5:00 pm so it wasn't too late.

"Do you think I can spend the night too?! because I want to be there to find out if you are or not pregnant" Luke said. I just nodded. I grabbed my phone and dialed Lexi's number.


"hey Lexi can I spend the night?!"

"yeah that's fine"

"and can Luke spend the night too?!"

"What?! why?!"

" I'll explain it when I get there and I need to talk to you about something important"

"did he hurt you?! if he hurt you I'm going to kill him."

" no he didn't. il-ill tell you when I get there" I said and hung up the phone, grabbed my bag and went out side to my motorcycle.

"Do you need clothes or anything before we get there?!" I asked putting my helmet on.

"yeah. clothes." Luke and I got on my motorcycle.

I was driving because Luke doesn't know how to. We got to Luke's and he ran up stairs and grabbed what he needed. He put it in the back compartment I had on my motorcycle. He got back on and we left to go to Lexi's. Once we got to Lexi's, Luke and I grabbed our bags and we walked in her house.

"ABBS?! IS THAT YOU?!" Lexi yelled from upstairs.

"YEAH" I yelled back walking up stairs.

She walked out of her room and looked at Luke and walked past me to him. Luke looked scared, but not in a funny way. I pulled Lexi back into her room and Luke followed.

"Okay so spill" she said.

I told her everything. The part when Luke didn't want to have sex with me, when I would throw up, have weird cravings and mood swings. Even the part when my brother called everyone to come over. After I told her these she looked pissed and wouldn't stop looking at Luke.

"So you think you can get me a pregnancy test?!" I said swallowing a big gulp in my throat.

"Of course, but are you going to give Abby some support?!" she asked Luke. Luke just nodded.

"I'll be back in 15 minutes" she said leaving Luke and I alone.

"You have a nice friend there" Luke said being sarcastic.

"Yeah well she's always there for me. so yeah" I said picking at my nail polish. Luke scooted closer to me and hugged me.

"hey don't worry I will be there for you?!"

"I know but my parents are probably going to kick me out"

"then you will live with me and go on tour with us"

"what about my brother?!"

"I know your brother. as long as your happy and taken care of he will accept it."

I layed down because I was getting light headed. Luke came up to me and pulled me into his chest, stroking my hair. which calmed my down a bit. Lexi soon walked in with a plastic bag. I stood up and walked to her.

"I got two just in case" she said looking at me.

"Thanks and are you mad at me?!" I asked taking the bag.

"no I'm not mad I just really care about you and want to be safe and happy" she said smiling and hugging me.

"I am happy okay love you"

"love you too"

I walked into her bathroom and took out the two pregnancy test and peed on both of them. The box said to wait two minutes before it showed that answer. I sat on the toilet waiting and thinking about my life would be like if I had a baby. Will Luke leave me?! I can't take care of a baby by my self. Will my parents and Michael support me?! I don't care about my parents but michael, what if he disowns me?! its been about 4 minutes. I stood up and checked both of the tests.

POSITIVE. I broke down crying. They were happy and sad tears because ive always wanted a baby but I'm scared everyone will hate me.

*knock* *knock*

"hey abbs you okay?!" Luke whispered into the door enough for me to hear.

I opened the door and there stood a curious Luke and Lexi. I ran straight into Luke's arms and cried some more. Lexi ran behind me to check the tests. I heard Luke say "oh my god I'm going to be a dad". I guess Lexi showed him. He hugged me tighter. Lexi came up to me and started crying.

"I'm going to be an auntie" she said sniffling. We pulled away.

"And I'm going to me a mom" I said sniffling.

"a great mom" Luke and Lexi said at the same time. which made us laugh.

"theres my favorite smile" Luke said smiling.

"what am I going to tell my parents and Michael?!"

"we're going to wait on that okay?!" Luke said looking at me and lexi. we just nodded.

"I'm tired. I'm going to change and then climb in to bed" I said walking into the bathroom with my clothes.

I quickly changed and climb in under the covers with luke. He pulled me into his chest and put His arms around my waist.

"where's Lexi?!" I asked Luke.

"she said she will sleep down stairs to give us alone time" I could hear him smile whilst saying that.

"okay. good night Luke"

"good night Abby" he said giving me a kiss on my head.

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