What To Do?!

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I woke up with people screaming. I stood up and I saw Luke. LUKE?! then I remembered everything that happened.

"LUKAS HEMMINGS WAKE UP OR WE ARE COMING IN" Michael yelled from the other side of the door.

Shit I shook Luke as hard as I can but he didn't wake up. damn I know this is stupid but I need him to wake up. I smashed my lips on to his and he woke up. I pulled away, He opened his eyes and smile. I couldn't help but smile too.


I ran to the bathroom in his room and shut the door. I heard the boys open the bedroom door and greet Luke.

"Luke why are there girls clothes on the floor and a bra?!" asked Ashton. Shit I forgot to get my clothes.

"Becau-" Luke started

"Do you ditch us to do it with some chick?!" Luke didn't say anything. ugh say something dummy.

all the boys started laughing.

"oh is she in here?!" Calum said.

shit please don't mean the bathroom. I heard foot steps come closer to me and I saw a shadow out side of the door. I tried locking the door but their was no lock. Great. I just leaned my self on the door so he doesn't have to open it.

"Beautiful you should come out so we can see you?!" he said and I can hear him smirking. he knocked on the door. "I guess we are going to have to come in" my eyes wide at that. why isn't Luke doing anything?! I heard the knob turn.he trired pushed it open but he couldn't because I was in the way.

"Oh playing hard to get huh?! Ashton get this door open" Calum said.

Ashton pushed and he got it opened enough were I can make eye contact with him. Then he shut the door quickly. I'm screwed.

"DUDE THATS YOUR SISTER!" Ashton yelled. Remind me to kill him.

"WHAT?! no it isnt. she hates Luke." Michael said. thank god.

"try calling her" I literally face palmed.

I heard my phone go off. shit. I heard foot steps come closer to me. Now I'm gonna get it thanks to Ashton. he bang the door which startled me.


I opened the door slowly. When I saw my brother, I swear he had smoke coming out of his ears and he was clentching he teeth. His eyes went wide and he started turning red. This isn't pretty.

"Hehe hello brother" I said trying to be calm.

He grabbed my arm and threw me on the bed. Luke caught me and sat me next to him with an arm around my waist.

"Hi boys" I said smiling a bit and they even looked pissed.

"WHAT THE HELL ABIGAIL?! I THOUGHT YOU HATED HIM?!" Michael said pointing to Luke.

luke just stayed quiet. I'm going to make a big lie but its better than saying ' I did but we fucked the night of the party and I told him not to tell anyone and he said okay only if you fuck me again', no that's just not what I should tell my brother.

"I only told you that because I didn't want you to tell Luke I like him" and I looked at Luke in the eyes and smiled.

"Yeah and now were happy. so leave us alone. don't you want your sister happy?!" Luke asked Michael.

"Fine But let me tell you this hemmings. You hurt her I hurt you 10x worst" Michael said pointing at Luke and then leaving with the rest of the boys.

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