More Than One

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

School? A manor? Life within the snobby rich? Poker? I cannot deny that I have a feeling that all of their words are true, but because I cannot recall any of this concludes me to believe that they are false. But then again, I have a strong feeling that they're not just normal people. Although I feel slightly attached to these prisoners, I cannot say the same for my dear twin brother. Damian and I stand next to each other, in front of Batman's cell, listening to his story of what had happened; how we could have possibly "ended up like this."

Apparently, we have been drugged with anesthetics and possibly injected with some type of serum that may block certain memories, according to Batman. It was either that, or a bunch of aliens have haunted us in our sleep and messed with our brains, according to Superboy.

"Seriously, Superboy?" Nightwing groans. "Ghosts haunt. Not aliens."

"Maybe they're possessed by ghosts, and they're trying to collect information," Red Hood proposes, glaring at us.

"We're not possessed," Damian and I deadpan.

"With you two doing that strange twin telepathy, speaking thing," Red Robin says, "you might as well be."

"But we're not," we reply.

"Scary," Superboy whispers.

"Although I can't prove it," Batman says, "I am positive that these two are ours."

"How positive are you on that?" Red Hood asks.

"Ninety-five percent."

"Ninety-five?!" Nightwing exclaims. "That's five less than what it should be!"

"If you want positivity, Nightwing," Damian spits, crossing his arms at the older man, "I am a hundred percent sure that we are nowhere correlated with you people."

"Not with that attitude," Red Hood scoffs. "Yet with that attitude, we still managed to keep you alive for a couple of months without ripping you apart."

"Is that dream thing the only reason why you came to see us?" Superboy asks.

I cock my eyebrow at him, keeping a stoic face. "Yes. That is all."

"We must leave," Damian announces, grabbing my arm.

"Aren't you going to let us out?" Red Robin calls out.


"Get back over here, Demon Spawn!" Red Hood screams as Damian drags me up the stairs of the prison hold.

Once we reach the outside, I pull my arm away from his grip, the moon's light shining on us, giving me a clear view of my twin. "What's wrong?" I stare at his face. He's obviously disturbed.

"Do you really think that we know them? That we lived in luxury, within the cities? Had a normal life like what we would read in the books that Mother and Grandfather would provide?"

"It's plausible," I whisper, slowly retracting my hand from his shoulder. "But we can't be too sure."

"Then why do you believe them?" he asks, clenching his fists. "Why do you believe them as if your life depends on it?!"

"Why does it matter that I believe their words?! Hoping that you and I end up in a world where we don't have to constantly look over our shoulder?!"

"Because I care about you! We can't trust these strangers!"

"You were on board a few minutes ago! What's different now?!"

"Tch." Damian snaps his head to the side, staring at the ground in anger. "I don't know," he growls through clenched eyes. He looks back up at him, his eyes glistening with slight fear, "I don't know."

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