33. | life goes on

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"Jimin's coming over soon."

Eyes clouded with haziness, the brunette's mind spins and his limbs feel like jelly attached to joints, lips red and wet from a heavy alcohol consumption over the past hour. He raises the half-filled glass to his lips and tips the foul-tasting liquid down his throat, the burning sensation causing his head to slightly twitch.

Jungkook is completely wasted and Eunbi isn't far off from him. The pair of old lovers continue drinking deep into the night, not caring how much noise they're making, drinking to their hearts' content to rid them of their sucky lives.

"He's gonna kill you, you know?" Eunbi drunkenly chuckles, taking another swig of the alcohol bottle positioned between her slim legs.

Jungkook sits opposite to her, taking small shots from his little shot glass refilled with endless amounts of vodka and Coca Cola mixed together. His whole body feels numb from the alcohol and the undoubtable pain he's being put through each day. The silence makes him overthink, and all he can think about is Taehyung lying unconscious in their bed because Jungkook isn't there.

"Tae's gonna kill himself, you know? He doesn't wanna be here and I can't do anything about it," Jungkook bites back, which makes Eunbi fall silent in favour. He takes another swig of the burning substance and collapses against the couch, sharply exhaling. "That's life."

Eunbi's rosy bottom lip juts out in a pout and she crawls towards the intoxicated idiot, wrapping her arms around him. "Don't start quoting Frank Sinatra on me, okay? He'll pull through, I promise."

Even the silly jokes are helping Jungkook through his current dilemma, and he starts to remember how much the black-haired girl helped him and cheered him up through hard times. She may have been a toxic, controlling girlfriend while suffering the blunt end of her constant depression, but she will always be one of Jungkook's closest friends.

"Tae... he's one of the strongest people I know. He's always come out on the better end, even during rough times. I'm sure he'll pull his head out of his ass sooner than later." Eunbi comfortingly smiles, pressing her lips against the side of Jungkook's head.

Jungkook softly scoffs, eyelids fluttering shut as he clings onto the girl. "Yeah... I really hope so, Bi."

A comforting silence settles over the pair as they hold each other on the carpeted floor in Eunbi's apartment, their calm breathing is the only audible noise around them. The alcohol bottles are discarded on the floor far away from them, using their adult heads to realise that Eunbi has another therapy session tomorrow and Jungkook needs to have a long talk with his two boyfriends.

"I'm sorry for verbally abusing you while we were together," Eunbi's voice breaks as she pipes up, and her apology catches Jungkook by surprise. "I've never apologised in-person – only over text – and I think that's really inappropriate for everything we went through. I hope you know that I'm not that person anymore."

"I know, Bi. You don't have to apologise."

Eunbi releases a frustrated huff and finds herself sitting on Jungkook's lap, threading her fingers through his knotty hair to straighten it out. She lightly slaps the side of his head and the pair erupt in a childish fit of giggles, throwing their arms around each other like teenage lovers.

"Plus, I kinda enjoyed some parts of it," Jungkook shyly admits, tucking a curly piece of hair behind his pierced ear. Eunbi raises a questioning eyebrow, gently caressing the back of the boy's neck. "I liked when I got to sit on your lap and w-when you would take control in-in bed... It's embarrassing."

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