18. | happiness

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"Maybe we should go check-up on Koo. It's been three hours and I haven't heard much from him."

Taehyung pouts and cuddles further into Jimin's side, refusing to leave the bed because he's so comfy. Jimin's arm tightens around his best friend's waist and he rakes a hand through his blue hair, threading it through his fingers.

"I'm sure he's fine, baby," Taehyung mumbles against his side, stretching his legs and hiding his face in the blonde's side. "Let's just stay like this for a little longer. I'm really comfortable."

Playfully rolling his eyes, Jimin shakes his head and pushes himself away from the bed, hearing Taehyung mumble out a string of complaints. Instead of leaving with Jimin, the blue-haired boy groans and cuddles one of their pillows, hiding his face to avoid Jimin's soft stare.

"Fine, drama queen," Jimin chuckles, beginning to get dressed. "I'll check-on Koo by myself."

"Have fun." Taehyung sleepily says, keeping the pillow close to his chest as he rolls over onto his stomach, displaying his bare ass.

Instead of fucking his best friend like Jimin would, he throws Taehyung an oversized blanket and covers his ass. Taehyung chuckles and pulls the blanket over his ass, feeling warmth spread through his veins.

"Be back soon, baby."

With that, Jimin pulls his hoodie over his head and lets it hug his skinny frame, keeping him warm in the winter breeze. He starts walking towards the door and briefly glances back at the tired blue-haired boy, softly smiling at how adorable he looks.

Jimin quietly shuts the door and makes his way towards the spacious living room, hearing the sound of the television playing some dumb cartoon. His brown eyes peer around the corner and he spots Jungkook cuddled-up on the couch, looking rather tired and cold.

"Hey, princess. How are you feeling?" Jimin asks, slowly walking towards the brunette.

Jungkook glances up and smiles at Jimin, cuddling his knees even tighter, trying to stop himself from shivering. He scoots over on the couch as the blonde settles beside him, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him close.

Lightly blushing, Jungkook cuddles up beside Jimin and rests his head against his arm, immediately feeling a little warmer. He notices that Jimin smells of musk and it makes his nose scrunch-up in sensitivity, and Jimin chuckles down at him.

"Did you and Tae have a good time?" Jungkook suddenly asks, and Jimin's eyes widen in surprise. "I didn't want to disturb you because you-you looked like you were having fun."

Jimin smiles and presses his lips against the side of the little's head, tightening his hold around him. "We had fun, princess. Tae's sleeping in the other room."

Jungkook stares at the bedroom door and pictures Taehyung cuddled up on the bed, looking tired and adorable, and that brings a smile to his face.

"I thought you two didn't... f-word?"

"We're switches, princess," Jimin says, noticing the way Jungkook raises an eyebrow in confusion. "We f-word each other, but we don't assign who is the top or the bottom."

Jungkook still looks rather confused and Jimin just chuckles, ruffling his hair. "Don't worry your pretty head about it, princess."

Softly nodding his head, Jungkook closes his eyes and rests against Jimin's arm, feeling darkness attempt to consume him. The air is peaceful and quiet, and the childish sounds from the television ring through their ears.

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