30. | bad habits

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Brown eyes flickering down to stare down at the calm rise and fall of Taehyung's toned, scarred chest, Jungkook's mouth stretches around his tired yawn and his limbs crack in ache from being so stiff during the night. His sleepy eyes take a little while to adjust to the bright light streaking in through the cracks in the blinds, shoving his round-rimmed glasses onto the bridge of his nose because he forgot to put his contact lenses back in.

Taehyung's protective arm is still thrown around his waist, holding him close to his side, and Jimin's warm cheek is pressed against the ripples of muscle in his back, hot breath tickling his tanned skin. Jungkook is sandwiched between two very clingy males, and he doesn't have much hope of moving until they wake from their peaceful sleep.

All Jungkook can do is lay there, stare at the chipped ceiling above him and reminisce what happened hours ago.

The thought of it still makes his face flush and his cock move uncomfortably beneath his shorts. He can vividly picture his face pressed down into the mattress with his arms bound behind his back as Jimin ruthlessly fucked into him, abusing his prostate with each snap of his hips. He can see Taehyung's gleaming, giddy face come close with that expensive camera, giving those selective viewers a closer look at what was happening.

Next, he remembers quite clearly how brutal, yet gentle Taehyung was with him. While he fucked into him like his life depended on it, a single reassuring brush of Taehyung's fingers against the back of his thigh could calm Jungkook down within the second. The multiple kisses that were pressed to his tear-stained cheeks, the way Taehyung undid Jungkook's restraints and kissed away the forming bruises, the way he whispered pretty compliments and sweet nothings into Jungkook's ear before he collapsed into a needed rest – it's all so closely held together in Jungkook's mind.

If he's asked whether he would participate in another one of their camboy videos, Jungkook would most definitely agree.

"Up already, princess?" Jimin mumbles against his back, pressing small kisses to the tingly flesh that lights up Jungkook's spine, making his cheeks flush a crimson shade of red. "That's a first. You always sleep in on a Saturday."

"Wanted to watch the sun rise, I guess."

Jimin's chuckle is low and deep, sounding like heaven poured into his ears, and Jungkook flips his body onto his left side to face the blonde boy. Jimin looks absolutely adorable in the morning: disheveled hair, puffy cheeks, wet lips, starry eyes, twitching fingers that are always so desperate to feel Jungkook's warm skin beneath his fingertips.

"Well, you're about two hours late... no foul, though. We can watch it some other time." Jimin smiles from ear to ear, showing his pearly white teeth and pink gums in the cutest smile known to mankind.

As silence settles over the pair, Jungkook buries his head in Jimin's neck, inhaling that musky, familiar scent that soothes him within seconds. Jimin's arms wrap around him, pressing their chests close together, smelling of distant sweat and sex.

Taehyung makes a small, muffled sound of complaint in his sleep, turning over onto his left side and cuddling his knees close to his chest, resuming his dream. Even with Taehyung's back facing him, Jimin still feels the irritating need to reach out and caress the boy's skin; hold him in his hands and pepper his face with soft kisses because Jimin loves him so much.

"It's okay if you love him more than me, you know? I'm not so mad about it anymore." Jungkook whispers against Jimin's neck, catching the blonde by total surprise.

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