Chapter 2

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"Lincoln, I am not letting you go without me! What if you get hurt?" Octavia exclaimed, clinging to his side.

Lincoln stopped, clutching her face between his palms "Octavia, I will be okay. I promise"


He hushed her, running his thumb over her cheeks. She fell quiet, watching his brown eyes stare back at her.

"Fine. But if you're not back by tonight, I'm coming to find you"

Lincoln sighed, but agreed "Fine"

Letting go, he climbed onto the back of his horse.

"I love you" Octavia said quietly

"I love you too, Octavia" He smiled.

With that, his horse puffed, kicking the dirt below him ever so slightly as he pulled the reigns and tapped at its side. As he began to move, Octavia's feet carried her along with him. Of course he wasn't going alone, but the thought of him being without her- it worried her.

She slowed her pace as she watched the horses gallop away from her, shoulders sunken in defeat.


"Nomon!" Amell shouted from his hut outside. Before Lexa could even think about responding, the broody teenager yelled once again, more urgently "Nomon!"

"Amell?" Lexa shouted, suddenly aware of his tone. She ran out of the house, bolting straight for the hut "Amell what-"

She swung open the door. The boy was sat in his chair, smiling proudly at his mother. In his hands was a painting.

"I made this for you and mom. Everybody has told me the stories. What happened... and what you guys did in the war..." he held out the home made canvas to her "I just wanted to do something special for you"

Lexa took the painting with light fingers, angling it to hit the light so she could see better. On one side of the canvas, she saw herself. She looked younger, her dark warpaint dripping down her face. It was obvious she had been in battle. On the other side, Clarke. She was younger too, but just as beautiful. In the centre, they clutched hands. Lexa's dark, bloodied hand hanging onto Clarke's pale fingers. They held onto each other like they couldn't let go. As if, if they did, they'd fall into a million pieces.

Lexa smiled down at her sons work, pushing back the tear in her eye that threatened to spill.

"You are the most talented person I know my boy" Lexa whispered "this is beautiful"

"I won't tell mom you said that" he said, and hugged his nomon. Although he was 17, he wasn't afraid to show affection to his mothers. Something that Lexa admired greatly in him "I hope to love like you do some day"

Lexa lifted her eyebrows "Son, you already have that love."

"I mean to love somebody like you love mom. You know."

Lexa sat down on the floor and looked up at her son "One day, you will."

"What if it doesn't? What if nobody wants me nomon?"

"There will always be somebody who wants you" Lexa smiled up at him "if I managed to find someone like your mom, you can find the right person for you."

"What's it like?" He asked

"What's... what like?"

"Loving somebody" he said.

"Well..." she thought for a moment "I suppose you'll find out for yourself some day. Won't you?"

He smiled and nodded. Lexa stood

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