Chapter 10

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Lexa held the reigns tightly, her gloves making her hands too warm. It was cold out, though, and she turned to Clarke.

"Would you like to use my gloves?" She offered, taking them off and offering them.

"Thank you" Clarke took the gloves.

Putting them on immediately warmed up her hands, both with the warm leather and the heat still left from Lexa. She looked at the familiar extra length left at the tips of her fingers and roll the leather up her fingers to reach the ends of the gloves.

"Hey, Lex?" She earned a hum "are you sure this is a good idea?"

She earned her attention quickly, and the commander turned to her

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you sure it will work?"

Lexa sighed "Do we really have any other choice?"

"Not really" she frowned

"Then unfortunately, Clarke. This needs to work."

Clarke looked down at the horse as it trodded through the undergrowth. It was stressful to think that only a weeks ago, Cora was still there with them, and the closest thing to war was their vague memories of Pike.

"We're coming, baby" she whispered, somehow believing Cora would hear it.

"My parents are going to kill you" Cora hissed

"Good luck with that" grunted the thug as he tied her wrists together

"Thanks." She sighed "Its nice to imagine how they'd do it. Which one would do it."

"Yeah? What's your best bets?"

"Nomon. Maybe. Either way, you'll be cut to pieces or choking on a bullet in your throat. Who knows? I might even kill you."

He rolled his eyes "Okay"

Cora sank back into the cold metal of the ship, curling up to keep warm. She as positive her parents would come. Lexa wouldn't let her go like this. She would fight until her last breath for her.

She pictured Clarke's warm smile, and how at home she would feel just to feel her comforting hug one more time. She wished she had stayed out more with Lexa hunting, helping her carry the rabbits back home. She wished she could feel her plant a loving kiss on the top of head head again.

She missed Amell. Their small spats in the hut about their differences that their parents didn't know about, but were quickly solved with a handshake and a clear border between her side and his side of the hut. She missed him being there when she had a nightmare. Now she was living in one.

"Where are they?" Questioned Luna, looking down at the empty camp. 

Lexa held her hand up, silencing those around her. She narrowed her eyes. It was obvious, down at the camp, that they hadn't left in a hurry. The tables and boxes, chairs and weapons, had all been packed up and taken. All that was left was the drop ship, sat lonesome in the clearing of trees. It was a peculiar sight without a single doubt, and yet, it was an entirely familiar set up.

"It's an ambush" Lexa revealed "they are most likely hidden in the tree line, waiting for someone to go down there"

"What do we do?" Luna asked wearily.

Clarke glanced at Lexa, who seemed lost in her thoughts. She watched the woman lean back in her saddle, posture straightening and tightening. For a moment, Clarke thought she was preparing to go straight down towards the drop ship. She didn't. Instead, she sighed and stared for longer. Why would they make a trap and actually leave their daughter there? The chances of Cora actually being there was slim- Lexa knew that.

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