Chapter 12

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Lexa lay, sprawled our on the sofa as her family moved and functioned around her. She stared at the ceiling with droopy, half-asleep eyes. Her ear throbbed after the sudden realisation that she had in fact hurt it. It was stiff with the temporary stitches that Clarke had forced her to have.

Just to the left of the couch, Clarke sat with Amell, quietly murmuring to him about the art of chess as she taught him the basics of it all. Lexa had no idea what any of it was about, or what to do. War was nothing like the game. She didn't understand the different shapes of the pieces, what they did, and how they worked. She couldn't understand, either, how someone could sit for hours to play a singular game. Lexa believed there was a true possibility she could die of boredom playing that game. That's why's he refused it.

Near the window, Cora quietly and carefully practiced with her wooden sword, repeating the actions she had seen her mother do in training with Luna. The teenage girl's lips were pouted, and her brows furrowed in concentration. Lexa could see herself in her, no doubt. She just preyed she would never become as numb as she had once become when she was younger. But Cora was more spirited and held the right people around her; Lexa was hopeful.

As her eyes dropped once again, she felt soft lips pressing against her forehead, and her hair being gently tucked behind her ears. Clarke smiled down at her.

"You look exhausted" The blonde said softly, earning a small hum from Lexa in agreement. Clarke carefully undid the laces of her wife's boots and slid them off, tucking them just beside the couch for the time being. She placed another kiss on Lexa, this time a gentle peck to her lips "have a nap"

Lexa nodded and closed her eyes, hearing Clarke shift back over to Amell to take her next move on the chess board. She's just starting to drift off when she feels a scratch on her arm. Peaking out of the corner of her eye, she spots the mass of black fur, and beady eyes staring up at her. Atlas wagged his tale furiously.

"I don't wanna play right now, Atlas" she grumbled. In response, the dog hopped up onto his hind legs and nuzzled Lexa's neck. She groaned "what do you want?"

In response, Atlas jumped up on the couch, trampling Lexa and digging his paws into her stomach an uncomfortable amount. She grunted at the pressure, earning a quiet cackle from Amell.

"Shut-" Atlas stood on her stomach again "up"

Finally, the dog settled onto her, resting his head on her shoulder. His body heat warmed Lexa through like a very heavy blanket, and she finally was able to close her eyes and have a much needed nap.


"Where's my map?" Lexa questioned, stalking around the war room searching "I left it on this table"

"I'm unsure Heda. I can replace it quickly. However I was wondering if I could discuss something with you?" Indra asked.

This caught Lexa's attention. Indra almost never asked for discussions. Usually she would just say what was on her mind and that was the end of it. She motioned to a chair, which Indra sat in silently without a second thought.

"What is it?" Lexa asked, brows furrowed.

"Well, I'm aware of the fact that you no longer have a fleimkepa since you banished Titus." Indra began

"Yes? What if it?" She leant back in her chair, placing her boots on the table

"Well my daughter, Gaia, has studied the craft of the fleimkepa since she was a child. Perhaps you would like her to become your new guide"

"I do not feel it's necessary to have a fleimkepa any longer, Indra. But if you insist that her efforts would be of aid, I see no harm in it. Is she loyal?" Lexa questioned

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