Chapter 7

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Titus held his bag close to his chest, and he looked back at the tall, muscular guards showing him his way out.

"Do you wish to stay?" One of them questioned him

He looked down, and continued to walk "I have no place here" he grumbled

Lexa watched from a distance. A part of her wanted him to stay, to apologise and change for the better. But, instead, she watched as the doors of Polis closed behind him, locking him out. She sighed and shook her head, leaving.

As soon as Titus was in the outside world, he regretted it. He wasn't trained with a blade. He hadn't the slightest idea about survival. He was alone, lost, and useless, with new enemies lurking the woods. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a map of which he had stolen from Lexa.

He could see where the ship had landed marked on the map, which was just directly ahead of the gates of Polis. He looked up, and with shaking legs, darted through the trees. He ran until the cloth on his feet was torn from the thick and unrelenting undergrowth of the woods. He panted, wheezing as he sprinted, branches whipping his sides and ripping at his robe.

Finally, he reached his destination, and stumbled out into the clearing, dropping to his knees to catch his breath. Guns immediately lifted and pointed at him, their bullets clicking into their chambers smoothly.

"Wait wait!" He said, lifting his shaking hands "please!"

"What do you want?" Growled a blonde man

"I just... I have something to offer Diyoza. Please, I mean no harm"

"It's obvious you don't mean any harm" he cackled "look at this ball ass mother fucker"

They all roared with laughter around him

"So, what do you want to offer Diyoza bald man?"

"I... I have information?"

"Information on what?"

"On the commander"


Lexa woke to the sun shining in through the window. She lifted her head, eyes still half closed with sleep. Cool air lightly tapped at her bare shoulders. She could feel Clarke tracing the tattoo on her back with her fingertips. She dropped her head back onto the pillow and yawned.

"Good morning" her wife whispered from behind her.

She smiled and rolled over onto her other side to face Clarke. The blonde smiled back at her, short hair tousled from the night before. Her skin glowed in the golden hour of the morning, and her eyes were a pale blue in the light. Lexa pecked her lips.


Clarke started to roll out of bed, but Lexa caught her wrist and pulled her back, pulling her on top of her.

"Lex, we need to get up" she said softly with a laugh

"No you don't" Lexa mumbled, kissing her neck

"Lexa if you don't stop-"


"Oh my god stop" Clarke quickly dodged Lexa's arms and jumped out of bed. Lexa pouted "Oh come on, don't give me that face. We need to go!"

Green eyes stared out of the bed from under the covers at Clarke in response

"Lexa, get up" she rolled her eyes at her childishness.

"Maybe I don't want to. I'm tired"

"Sure you are"

"Fine" Lexa grumbled

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