Final Words

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Hi everyone. I wanted to make one last post on this story just to talk to you guys and really let you guys know about how much this series as meant to me.

It took almost five years to complete, with me in and out of hiatus because of mental health and being homeless. Each time I came right back and was absolutely surprised to see that people still waited for me.

Lexa was a special character to me from the very beginning. She showed strength and change above everything else. She showed people just how important it is to love and care for one another.

And so if there's anything I'd like you to take from this book, if you end up reading this far, I want you to take that. Love each other, no matter what and look after one another. It's so very important to do that.

So anyways, last thing, there's a few people I'd like to talk about who have helped carry this series to the end.

Firstly- getawayfromtrixie
This person has been lurking in my messages for a very long time supporting me and my writing. Every single book, and every single chapter I post she's almost instantly reading it and giving me feedback and telling me all the things she loves. She's also been known to have a few battle royales with some readers, but is also known for being a mighty good friend.

Secondly- _kitkat_1914
Much like my first mention, they have been in many of my comments supporting and discussing my series with sweet and kind feedback. I hope that they stick around and see what else I have to offer, cause I love seeing them in my comments.

Thirdly- hedasmoon
A perfect example of an amazing reader and I'm so thankful to have this person reading my books. Their comments make my day and it's amazing to see them.

Fourthly- finronakru
This person gave me feedback in a comment that almost made me tear up. It will keep me motivated for a long time, and just like the rest, I'm blessed to have them as a reader.

(Thank you llyskomtrikru for reminding me to post the final chapter oops)

There have been many others. And I have to admit I don't remember your usernames. Probably too many numbers. BUT I do remember you. There have been so many people in this community that have kept me motivated to write and fall into new worlds real life could only imagine. I'm so grateful to every single one of you. I see every comment and every vote, and it drives me to improve and write an even more intriguing chapter the next time.

Please understand how important every single person here is to me.

If you would like to chat, my messages are open! So are the comments! Go make friends or reach out to me. This is a community!

I love each and every one of you. Thank you! Bye bye!

If you're looking for more work by me, you can find more of my stories on my page or on my archive of our own account. I am far from done writing!

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