Chapter 21

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Lexa's knuckles tightened around the handle of the water bucket she was currently carrying for her daughter, who very much needed to bathe. She had warmed the water on the fire for her, after already taking a bucket to Amell.

"Here you go" She said softly, lowering the bucket to the ground for her. She pulled the cloth from where it had been tucked under her arm "and this"

"Thanks Nomon" Cora replied. She was tired, and rather worn out from the day before. Both physically and emotionally. Lexa smiled and went to turn away "wait"

The mother paused, turning back to her daughter "What is it?"

"Are you going to go after her?"

Lexa chuckled "Of course I am Cora. A war doesn't end until it is won."

The girl tilted her head "Are you going to kill her?"

She frowned, shifting the bucket to the side to step
closer to her daughter. To read her. She seemed scared.

"Perhaps. Why?"

"I'm not sure" She shrugged "I think she deserves it"

Lexa squeezed her shoulder, turning to hop down the steps "We'll see, Goufa. You should bathe while the water is still warm"

It was early in the morning. The sun was just beginning to peak over the village, and the birds were just starting to chirp. The low rumble of Raven's hand crafted engine interrupted the nature around her.

"Machines" Lexa grumbled to herself "Strange things"

Clarke strolled towards the giant of a car that rolled into place before them, hands on hips with a smile "Raven, my wife disapproves of your work" she mentioned as the engine shut off.

"Sorry, sweet cheeks" Raven jumped from the high up doorway "this is progress"

"Then progress is what killed our world the first time" Lexa scratched her chin, examining the car. It really didn't even look like a car. More like a giant metal house with wheels "and this will get us there...?"

"Hell yeah it will! This baby can go through any terrain we want. She could probably climb mount weather with one wheel"

"But can we get there on time?" Lexa questioned

Raven nodded, grinning "and have us back for tea. And... I brought a little fella with me"

She opened the back doors, and Atlas leapt out, barrelling straight for Lexa. He jumped, and Lexa quickly swooped up his back legs to catch him as he panted and licked her face. It was hard trying to be a stoic commander when her favourite animal was currently lathering his love on her face with a rough tongue.

"Alright that's enough. Alright!" Lexa exclaimed, a smile creeping onto her lips as she put the dog down, who quickly rushed to see Clarke next, tail swatting at Lexa's ankles in excitement.

"Look at you. It's almost like you have a heart" Raven teased with a smirk as she brushed past Lexa.

"It's almost like she's not married to me-" Clarke grumbled, a face full of Atlas' black fur.

"Can we please get back to the task at hand" the commander swerved the conversation back to the more important things "We have something to do"

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Don't get your kickers in a twist" Raven sighed, opening the door and climbing in

"My-" The other brunette started towards the small mechanic, lips turned down in a frustrated frown.

"Okay, lovely. You can get in the back" Clarke stopped her, turning her in the opposite direction. Lexa groaned, following her wife's instructions despite the overwhelming watch to slap the mechanic sat in the front "That's it. Amazing. Thank you."

Lexa sat, hunched in the back of the truck like Clarke had instructed. She leant further and further to the left, avoiding the lapping tongue of her dog sat beside her in the seat. Luna nudged her with her shoulder, shoving her back into place.

She winced as Atlas licked her ear.

"Does somebody else want to sit next to Atlas?"

Cora smiled "I'm okay. But thank you for the offer, Nomon."

"Yeah thanks but no thanks" Thalia smirked.

Lexa groaned, sticking her arm out to form a barrier between herself and the tongue happy pedigree.

"Never seen you so opposed to that before" Luna commented with a smirk.

"You can silence yourself before I tear your tongue out and nail it to the nearest tree" She delivered with a sweet smile. Luna shifted uncomfortably, turning her head the opposite way to clear her throat.

The small slider door between the drivers cab and themselves slid open, and Clarke peered in, blue eyes scanning the bunch in the back "You guys might want to hang on to something. We're heading into Azgeda and starting to hit snow"

"Fantastic..." Luna grumbled

Lexa looked above her and frowned "Did Raven not think to fit handles?"

"Raven did you fit handles?" Clarke asked

There was a muffled 'nope'

"No" Clarke repeated

"So what do we do?" Amell asked

Clarke shrugged "I dunno. I'm sure you'll be fine. Hold hands or something"

As the slider snapped shut again, Lexa sighed "Fantastic parenting" The off-road vehicle hit its first lot of snow, and the commander was tossed into the air, head slamming into the roof before she dropped back down into her seat with a thud "Jok! Raven!"

The faint cackling from the front informed them all of just how entertaining it was for those with seatbelts.

"How fun!" Cora said as she slid into her brother "it's like a motion ride!"

"A what?" Luna questioned

"I dunno, I read about it in school" the girl shrugged

"You went to school?" Lexa exclaimed, just as Luna slammed into her side.

"Well duh. You made me remember?"

"I don't think she actually thought you went, Cora" Amell informed her "I'm pretty sure she just covered for you anyway"

"Of course I went!" Cora grinned "I learned about how to be safe during se-"

"Good!" Lexa slapped a hand against the wall as the car dipped forward.

Luna cackled beside her.
Hey everyone. Happy pride month. I know a lot of people that follow me or read these stories are lgbtq+ and I want to show my full full support to you. Please, if you need to talk the comments are here for you. Tell your story if that's what you need.

I want everybody to understand that even in pride month it's okay to not feel pride. The world around us fights to take a lot of our pride every day, but eventually you will feel the confidence and pride you deserve.

Comment and tell me what you think.

I love you all so much.

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