Chapter 1

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Lexa lay her head back, feeling the light moss between her fingertips. She let herself relax, feeling the muscles in her back loosen around her bones. The satisfying pop in her spine caused her let out a satisfied sigh. She reached to her right, hand almost entirely disappearing into the black fur. Two brown eyes spun towards her at the contact, but quickly turned back to watch the woods. It was strange to remember the day she had first found Atlas. One moment she was stumbling through the woods with a puppy in her hand, and next, he was a full adult, running around the woods with the kids and joining Lexa on her early morning walks. He curiously watched a blue bird flap its way between branches.

She only wished Clarke was with her now.

The world seemed brighter ever since they found peace. Flowers seemed a shade brighter. Grass looked to grow greener than ever. Even the crops grew twice as large and drinking water never tasted so fresh. Life seemed happier.

The sun was rising through the trees above her, the golden rays bursting through the leaves to warm up the cool undergrowth. The air was fresh and crisp as it filling her lungs. The woods grew louder as its inhabitance were beginning to wake up.

"Lex?" The loving voice snapped her out of her admiring daze. She turned her head, looking up at the blonde.

"Hey, what are you doing awake at this time?" Lexa smiled up at Clarke

"I thought I'd come see you for a while before I have to get up for my class. Fancy a walk?"

"Of course" The commander agreed

Abby was usually the one to run the new medical classes put in place at the infirmary, teaching modern medicine to those who still treated patients through older ways. But with her health growing worse with age, Clarke had offered to teach the more basic lessons to give her mother a rest. Raven had began teaching and showing people how mechanics could be used more frequently in everyday life. She had built all sorts of farming and water machinery. She even went as far as to build a sewage system beneath the entirety of Polis to stop the unfortunate buckets of waste being dumped in the side rivers. Meanwhile Luna stuck to the ocean, often taking trips to fishing posts to ensure that they weren't overfishing spots and rotating continuously to keep the sea populated.

"Come on then, grey beard" Clarke grabbed Lexa's hand to help her up

"Clarke I am not at the correct age to grow translucent hair as of yet. I am only.. however old you told me last week"

The blonde laughed, patting her side to call Atlas "You're thirty seven Lexa."

"Is that old?"

"Hmm" Clarke pulled Lexa closer as they walked and examined her face "I don't see your grey beard yet, so I think you're safe"

"You frustrate me at times"

"Thank you, my love" Clarke grinned

"Where is Amell today anyways?" Lexa asked curiously about her son.

"Fancy a guess?"

"Something to do with Monty?"

"He and Monty are looking at some sort of algae farm. I have to say Lex, it sounds boring. Then again, that kid likes anything plant related."

"He stole Costia's notebook last night again. I was going to take it off him but to be honest, Clarke, he probably puts more use to it than I do. He's old enough now to know what's precious"

"He is 17 Lex" Clarke laughed

"And where's Cora?"

"She should be in school. But knowing that girl, probably stalking Indra again. We need to talk to Octavia and get her to keep an eye out around town for her. She missed three days worth of classes last week."

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