Chapter 5

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Lexa took the lead walking directly towards the ship. There were a few shouts when they were seen, most likely warning each other to tell Diyoza. Lexa walked straight past them.

Many of them wore the same yellow rugged jumpsuit, torn at the arms. It was obvious that they hadn't had correct facilities in a while. Their hair was long, beards even longer. They were dirty. Greasy. But that didn't stop them from looking menacing. After all, they were arrested for a reason. Some arm wrestled, some argued and fought, too caught up in their own shenanigans to notice Lexa and Luna.

They both kept their head held high, stood tall, and walked with pride. As Lexa glanced to her side, she was grateful that Luna offered to come with her. Luna's confidence sparked Lexa's confidence, and Lexa's sparked Luna's.

"Are you lost?"

Lexa looked up, and saw a woman emerge from the drop ship. She seemed casual, handing a cup to a man beside her as she approached. She wasn't a skimpy woman no doubt, her posture had power. Her hands were capable, and the scar across her neck screamed survivor. She was a difficult woman to kill. Lexa stared into her hazel eyes, and automatically knew she was a killer.

"Not quite" The commander responded "I heard you came into contact with some of my people a few days ago"

"Oh yes. Don't take it personally, obviously. I'm guessing you're this big strong commander one of them mentioned"

"I am the commander" Lexa said "The man you shot was a peaceful man. He showed no harm"

"Maybe so, commander, but look around you. These are my people. They are hungry. They need homes."

"And before you started with your acts of war you should have considered pursuing peace, but clearly amongst your people, that's not an option" she said venomously

"You, my friend, are god damn right. I'm not getting on my knees for somebody I just met. I'm not going to be your subject, or whatever you would like to call me. We are our own people. We don't need you"

"Is this a confirmation of your intentions of war, Colonel Diyoza?" Luna questioned

"It sure is" she smiled, and took her gun out of its holster, hanging it loosely in her hands "And who might you be?"

Luna took a glance at the gun "One of the many people you might not want to point that at" She gritted her teeth.

"Yeah?" Diyoza lifted her gun and pointed it to Luna's head "You know, I think I actually missed that last guy I shot. I'm sure I won't miss your head now"

"How sure are you?" Lexa said. Her voice was flat, almost unworried.

Guns lifted, aimed at the two from every angle. She could hear the bullets clicking into place

"I'm pretty sure" Diyoza said smugly

A red dot appeared on the criminal's chest, and she looked down

"Oh we're playing it like that are we?" Diyoza grinned

"I have trust issues regarding terrorists. There is never honour in those like you" Lexa said.

With Diyoza's nod, the guns around them lowered. Lexa turned on her heels, and began walking away.

"I have no doubt I will be seeing you again, Charmaine" Lexa said

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