Chapter 8

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Clarke watched as Lexa quietly placed the last box at the entrance to the tower. She hadn't said a word the whole day, and it was beginning to infuriate her. She understood that there was nothing more that she could do, but she hardly even gave Clarke a glance. She balled her fists and glared. It took a moment for Lexa to notice, but when she did, she hardly showed any notice. At that point, Clarke was fuming.

"What, Clarke?" Lexa sighed, finally giving in and sitting on a box

"Are you just going to be like that then?" She snapped

"Like what?"

Few heads turned to watch the screen unfold at the tower doors. Lexa stood.

"Like that! You're practically ignoring my existence right now Lexa?"

"I'm busy Clarke, what would you have me do?" Lexa exclaimed "Do you really want to do this here?"

"I don't care where we do it Lexa we're addressing this now!" Clarke yelled.

People on the streets fell silent as they listened. Abby and Raven were crossing from the infirmary when they heard the commotion.

"This can't be good" Abby mumbled

"Alright, Clarke, fine. Let's address it. What?" Lexa hissed

"Our child was taken from us, and you can't even find the balls to look at me Lexa!" The blonde shouted. Lexa clenched her fists and spun on her heels to face her, standing all too close.

"I am doing everything in my power to get our daughter back! We're moving here so we can avoid another child being taken! Is that okay with you Clarke? Or would you rather I just sat and stared at you? Are you aware of the fact that I am the only one out of the two of us who is trying for her right now? What are you doing?"

Lexa's voice echoed. It echoed through the halls of the tower, echoed through the city, echoed through Clarke's head. Each time it bounced back with regret.

Clarke's heart broke. As she had watched Lexa yell at her, so loose and angry, she had forgotten all about how she could read the woman. How she could understand her. Love her. All she could see before her was an angry commander she had met outside a mountain all those years ago.

The blonde lifted a heavy hand and brought it to Lexa's face, the slap stinging her cheek and leaving a red, irritated mark. She quickly wiped a tear from her eyes, and pushed her way through the crowd, away from her wife.

Lexa stared at the ground where Clarke stood, feeling the sting of her slap. Her face, although it was hard, remained emotionless, until she turned her back to head further into the building, kicking over a box as she walked.

"Oh dear" Abby whispered. It was the first time anybody, including Abby, had ever seen the two women argue like that. Especially after they married.

"Should I go talk to Lexa?" Raven said quietly. She was torn between comforting Clarke or Lexa. They were both her friends, and Raven had no idea about what their argument was caused by.

"No, sweetheart. How about you go find Clarke and bring her back. I'd better go calm Lexa down."

Luna in the distance was waving her arms, yelling at the people in the street to clear out and carry on with their days. It made it a lot easier for Abby to get to towers entrance without the mass of people there.

"Lexa?" She called into the enormous stone structure. There was no response, but regardless, Abby could hear the footsteps.

She continued in through the candle lit corridors until finally, she found Lexa. She had to admit, the girl was very good at making things appear like any other day. She was stood, quietly lighting tall candles in the corner of her room. Her belt and sword were hanging off the corner of a chair.

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