Chapter 18

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Lexa narrowed her eyes, releasing her grip on the bowstring. The perfectly made arrow flew through the air, reaching her target and planting itself firmly in the centre of the man's forehead. His head flew back, hands and gun flinging up at the force. His friend beside him, also dropped in the same state after taking a bullet from Clarke's rifle.

"Nice shot, Lex"

"You too. Hold this for me?" Lexa held out her bow, looking up to Clarke sat on her horse.

"Sure thing" Her wife took a hold of the bow, hooking it over her shoulder. Lexa ducked to dodge a bullet aimed for her head "Go get 'em"

The commander nodded, squeezing Clarke's knee as a gentle farewell before she took off running. Fresh boots pierced the ground, leaving her footsteps prominent, and long brown braids flowed in the air. She reached behind her pulling out the two swords she had used many times before in battle, and ran straight for the men currently aiming at her, guns poised.

Clarke sighed, lifting her gun and aiming down her scope "I love it when my wife runs at a bunch of guys with guns" she muttered to herself, covering Lexa from a distance.

Lexa dropped to her knees, flinging out her swords and slicing the legs of the armed men on either side of her. They screamed, dropping their weapons to clutch the their legs that were only just clinging to the bone.

"Mother fucker"

Lexa lifted her head, ready to swipe at whoever came next, but she was instead met with the chamber of a gun. She rose slowly, understanding the dangers of being held at gunpoint.

"Oh, Diyoza is going to love me" he grinned

A bullet wizzed past her head, snapping into his throat. His hands came up in an instant, fumbling at the newly planted hole in his neck, before her dropped to the ground.

"I'm sure"

She turned, and Clarke rolled her eyes, waving a hand. Lexa knew she wouldn't hear the end of that for a long time, and groaned, slashing at a man who decided to try and sneak up on her.

It seemed that these men were all too confident in their fighting skills, and it was showing. It was causing them to die a rather pathetic death.

"Oh you wanna go old school huh?" A tall man cackled. His body structure reminded Lexa of Gustus. Towering, with the strength of a bull. He tossed his gun aside, pulling out his knife "Let's go"

To make it a fair fight, Lexa sheathed her swords, pulling out her own knife from her waist band. It was stupid to toy with her enemies, like playing with food before eating it. But she was unbelievably tempted to wipe the smug smile off of his face.

He charged at her, his own version of a war cry if you will, throwing the knife in the air to stab Lexa. She ducked, an arm shooting out to grab onto and twist his wrist. The knife loosened in his fat, stubby fingers, and she brought his arm down forcefully to her knee, hearing the satisfying snap. As the blade dropped she snatched it from the air, throwing it towards a rather angry looking woman. She fell, the metal embedded in the centre of her chest.

The foot of her boot collided with his face, sending him tumbling onto his back as his nose began pouring with blood.

"Amateur" She muttered, drawing her swords once more.

Caleb's voice called her out, sounding urgent "Heda! Above!"

Lexa looked up, scanning the skies. She spotted movement on the rooftops, and caught the glints in the scopes aiming at her. She cursed, slamming a sword into the mans stomach and using it as balance as she jumped, feet slamming to another person who thought it would be smart to take her on. They fell to the ground, head hitting a rock. Blood spilled from their wound as Lexa grabbed their body, rolling them to block the bullet from the sniper just in time.

The still-warm body jumped at the collision, blood spraying as the bullet entered from one side and exited on the other. Lexa cried out, stumbling to the ground at the force under the weight of the other person. The bullet buried into her side, the last of its momentum used to break her skin.

"Jok" She groaned, pulling herself up. She used one of her swords to help as she cupped a hand over her wound, checking the damage. Dark coloured blood spilled into her hand, filling her palm and oozing throw the crevices.

"Nomon, here!" Her son reached out to her, pulling her behind a hut for cover.

"Amell, you need to get your sister and leave. It isn't safe" She groaned.

The teenager dug into his backpack, pulling out different pots and tubs shaking his head "No. you're just out of practice."

She leant her head back against the wall, wincing as her son lathered some form of applicant to her wound.

"This will stop the bleeding and ease the pain for now." He said, wiping his hands on his trousers. Thalia came running, dropping to the ground beside them to avoid gunfire. She paused, seeing the blood on both of their hands

"Jesus what happened?" Her eyes went wide "Should I get my moms? Clarke?"

"If you do that you're going home and staying there" She warned, using her sons shoulder to help her stand "I've got this."

"You know, I don't doubt you but... they have guns. You have swords" Thalia commented "Can you handle it?"

"Of course I can." Lexa narrowed her eyes, looking back to her son "Find your sister. Protect her."

"Yes, Nomon" he nodded

Lexa straightened her back, taking a deep breath. Now she had had her warm up, it was time for a real fight.

Testing her movement with the bullet in her side and wincing ever so slightly, she spun her swords in her hands.

"Let's try this again" She sighed


Bonjour. Hola. Hello. Erm. Hi.

I just realised I told myself I'd do my college work after I finished this chapter and now I regret it.

Comment and talk to each other and me I like y'all talking. And vote please. Hope you enjoyed!!!!!

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