Chapter 13

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"So, I figured out which village they would most likely be staying in" Lincoln said as he addressed the full room "He said north right?"

Lexa nodded as she scratched her chin, leant forward in her chair, intrigued. She had been waiting for Lincoln to come to her, and she wasn't surprised when it didn't really even take him long to come in. He knew every village that existed, and she knew Luna had every faith in him as well. If Luna trusted him, Lexa could trust him.

"Well, I spoke to Raven about which angle their ship was actually pointing to. My best guess is that they based their compass on which way the doors of their ship faced. The man said north, assuming that north was the way in which his ship pointed. To us, north is west. Just like their south would be our east" he explained

She nodded along "so where can you assume the village is that Diyoza is at now?"

"My best bet is Shadow Valley" Lincoln replied, placing a pin into the paper "There's smaller villages around it but... there's food there. Fresh water. It's the smartest option for them."

"I want to know how they managed to have an entire moving day without us noticing" Lexa stated "If we had a drone watching them"

Raven shifted in her seat nervously "Well... about that" she scratched her back "When I transferred their data, they had a recording of what must have been a few days before they moved. The feed I was watching seemed repetitive anyways. I think they might have hacked my drone, and sent the same feed through from the day before while they were packing up and getting things moved. I feel so stupid for letting them do that"

"You don't need to feel stupid." Lexa replied "It's tactics. Now we have to use what we have and what we have learned to our advantage. Did you find anything else on their systems?"

"Yes! I checked out how many people they've got in cyrosleep up there. All I can say is... if they all have the guns and the weapons that they have down here, I'm not looking forward to meeting them. There's quite a few"

"Can you work on a delay? Sever the contact between them some how" Lexa asked

"I... god I can try my best. These are high security space prisons. The technology is... atrocious to hack"

"Hack it" Lexa said "How long will it take you?"

"Maybe a few days? Three or four maybe"

"You have two" Lexa said, studying the new map sprawled across the table "Luna, could you talk to the people evacuated from shadow valley? I want all the information they can give me on their home."

"I can try. I don't think there's much to find, though"

"Do it anyways. Just in case. Monty, if these people have strong technology, we are going to need to respond with the same amount. Please help and work with Raven, if you can"

"Of course" he said with a smile. Lexa didn't know much about Monty. What she did know however, that no matter what the situation was, he was always sweet. She was almost jealous of how kind and gentle he could be without a single attempt.

Lexa grumbled to herself as she stood up "I think we're done here now, unless anyone else has something to talk about"

The silence in the room answered her question, and slowly, people began to filter out. Apart from two people. Lexa looked to them with questions in her eyes.

"Heda, we spoke not long ago about a new fleimkepa" Indra said softly.

Lexa had almost forgotten about her discussion with Indra. She cursed her memory, sitting back down on her throne with the tilt of her head. At Indra's side stood a woman with pale white hair, almost unnatural to Lexa. She had a pierced nose, and large brown eyes that stared directly at the commander. She seemed young.

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