(Spoilers) Summary of Events yet to Come

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↑ The video that inspired me was made private T~T but here's a video of someone reacting to that video I guess?? 

After meeting with the Hero Killer, Deku marks Native with the roman numeral for ten (X) and kills one more passerby in order to mark them with an IX, skipping VIII and leaving the cops in a state of confusion while they wonder if there's a body they missed although they assume it's just The Reaper (a name Deku acquires) messing with them. Still, this marks the first hero he has killed and escalates the stakes for him. Iida wakes up unaware.

Upon returning to classes, 1-A meets the new transfer student, Hitoshi Shinsou (congrats to those who guessed). Shinsou appears to be keeping an eye on Midoriya, and to keep him from talking to Kacchan Midoriya befriends him, also quickly realizing how helpful his talents would be. 

When Shinsou finding him out, Midoriya frantically takes him to an empty classroom and tries to convince him to join him. He seems uninterested at first, but Midoriya points out that although he has had ample opportunity, Shinsou has not used his brainwashing on him. We learn from Shinsou's POV that it's because for some reason it is not working, and Midoriya makes the risky decision to let him walk free even though Shinsou has not given him an answer and is scolded for his recklessness while panicking and telling All for One what happened.

Training camp happens yayyyy, Bakugou is kidnapped and we are finally back at our opening scene! (I should have just gone from there instead of writing all this backstory tbh). Midoriya goes along with the group that went to save Kacchan, only to see his mentor (AFO) being beaten by All Might. Blind with rage, he throws himself into the fray, successfully killing All Might in his weakened state but revealing himself to the world which is thrown into disarray by the murder of the Number 1 hero by one of his own students. Midoriya is captured by other Pro Heroes on the scene and thrown into an underground holding cell while they decide what to do with him.

Bakugou visits him frequently, trying to understand why Midoriya did what he did and where everything went wrong. He's latched onto the idea that Midoriya is a vigilante killing criminals and not innocents while Midoriya tries to convince him otherwise by confessing to all the awful things he's done. Once Kacchan leaves, the guards suddenly drop to the ground, and Shinsou steps out of the shadows with a voice-changing mask and the keys to Midoriya's cell.

Midoriya: I thought you would turn on me.

Shinsou: So did I... but there's something about you. Come one, let's get you out of here. We can discuss my end of the deal after.

The next morning (final chapter) the Pro heroes discover that The Reaper has escaped and that another student (Shinsou) has gone missing. There was another set of deaths, each engraved with roman numerals, and there is a message left in blood: "The Reapers oppose the League of Villains"


Aaaand that's it! The end was definitely more organized than the beginning. I think my issue was that by the time I figured out what I was doing I didn't want to rewrite what I had started. Who knows, maybe this will get a rewrite someday? I still have to finish it first tho XDD. The end was left open for the potential of a sequel but in reality, I don't think that will happen. Messy, I know, but so be it! Learn from me peeps: Plan your stories ahead of time!

Thank you for those who have stuck around until now and those considering sticking around to see how I actually write these ideas. I love all of you, and your support over the last year or however long you have been here has meant the world to me. Hopefully, this isn't the last time I see you!

Arte-chan out 💘

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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