13 - Tododeku? Maybe?

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Deku P.O.V.

I slowly opened my eyes to the harsh light. Damnit. I had disgraced myself by passing out. Not only that, but I had also sought All Might's approval once again. Why? He didn't matter to me anymore. So why had I been so desperate for him to recognize my efforts?

I noticed a figure move beside me. "Hey, I know you," I started, sitting up. "You're in my class, right? Todoroki, was it?" I so desperately wanted to snap at him to get out, but I refrained in order to build a good relationship with everyone in class 1-A. I didn't particularly like anyone seeing me in moments of weakness.

"Um, yeah..." he shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

I swung my legs down off of the bed. "Why are you here? From the looks of it, it's pretty late, maybe around 7 or 8 o'clock? School got out at 3:30, so how come you're here instead of at home?"

"Well, you see... I came to ask you something," he said. "And it's better than being at home," he muttered, barely audible. "What's it like for you, not having a quirk?" I flinched. I REALLY wished people would stop pointing that out. "What does your family think of it? How do they treat you for it?"

The question caught me off guard. It's not like I was prepared to go spilling my guts to anyone, yet somehow, I just started talking without really thinking about it. "I never met my dad, so I couldn't tell you what he thinks, but my mom gave up on me almost immediately after we found out about my... situation. She didn't stop supporting me, per se, but it's not like she believed in me either. And then, there was Kacchan," I sighed. "We were good friends as kids, but once he got his quirk he changed. He started bullying me, and he was just one of the many. I mean, I am literally among the bottom 2% of people in the world not to be born the same as everyone else. After the person I admired the most told me I couldn't achieve my dream of becoming a hero, I started spiralling into a depression." Why was I telling him all of this? I didn't even know him! And yet, it felt good to let it all out. Maybe it was because I could tell he needed something like this. "After that, I met someone who told me being quirkless should be taken as a gift. I trained for 10 months, and, well, now I'm here." I glared at the boy. "Do you have some sort of confession quirk or something?"

"Haha, no," he slouched quietly.

"Hey. I just spilled my guts. Why I don't know but I did. Time to spill yours. Maybe... maybe I know someone who can help..." I couldn't say anything. I knew that. But this cold, intimidating boy seemed hurt, and I knew all too well how that felt.

"Maybe... some other time..." he got up and left. "Thank you... for telling me your story."

I was quietly pissed, but for the time being there was nothing I could do about it.

I found Kuro outside, waiting for me. Using my new phone, I had texted him asking him to pick me up. To anyone else, it would have just looked like a text to a friend, nothing special.

"Is something on your mind?" he asked as I approached the shadows.

"Actually, yeah..." Kuro was the first person I met in the underground. Maybe he could help Todoroki the same way he did me.

Refraining from telling him anything yet, I had him fetch some files on the heterochromia boy from the UA data banks. I quickly learned that he was the son of Endeavor, the number two hero. He too was being crushed by the top figures in society.

"Izuku, is there a reason that you are so interested in this boy?" he asked from outside my room. Although I had told him to call me Deku when we first met, he quickly learned that it put me in a mood and decided against it.

I explained what I had observed as I flipped through another file. There really didn't seem to be much on him.

"Why don't I ask the master for you, and we can see what he says?" Kuro offered.

"Really? You'd do that? Thank you so much!" I jumped up and nearly hugged him.


"The answer is no," All for One's tone was harsh.

"Sensei? But why not?" I whined.

"Because I said so," (don't you hate when parents say that?)

"But he's exactly like me! You told me to become the hero of the shadows! He could be the first person that I save!"

"Young Izuku, look at me," All for One caressed my face with his hand.

"I just don't understand," angry tears brimmed my eyes.

For every argument he threw out, I countered it. He supported All Might? So did I, originally! He was too unstable? Jesus, I had been ready to suicide!

"I watched you for a long time before knowing to chose you," All for One told me. "You can't go picking people on a whim. The son of the number two hero? It's too risky, especially when you don't know his whole story."

"FINE! Then I'll just find out his story!"

I hid in my room for a while lazily throwing knives into the All Might posters I had brought from my old room solely for target practice and watching anime from my bed on my phone. Suddenly, I came up with a great new addition to my costume and immediately started sketching it out on my desk. Oh yeah, this would be great...

Word count: 941


I have no clue whether or not I'll be doing ships. I don't even know who I ship with Deku most. But this felt right so I did it. Bakudeku is also an option for this story. We will see where it goes.

As always, thank you for reading! Love you all! 💘

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