15 - Meeting at the Mall

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Yeah yeah, this technically happens right before the training camp after a bunch of other stuff but it works well here, so so be it.

Soon after All Might blew the villain away Iida finally returned with the rest of the teachers to clean up the mess. The police managed to capture most of the scum including the Nomu. I scoffed at their failure, although in hindsight, after seeing All Might fight, I'm not sure how much I could have done to help them.

Shigaraki and Kuro managed to escape, but the latter never came back for me so I was stuck staying with my mother again, who wept when she saw me. I guess they had to lay low for a while.

Now, class 1-A had decided to go stress shopping. I had been the girls' idea, Hagakure's to be more precise, and somehow we guys got dragged into it, so here we all were at the Kiyashi ward shopping mall.

We decided to split up, and somehow I ended up all alone. Fine with me. I could use some time to myself to plan what I was gonna do now. All Might was way too powerful. I guess I had always known, being blinded by his strength, but just now I had been blinded by my hatred. I needed a clear view of what was happening. And more than anything, I needed to talk to my 'superiors'.

I felt someone's hand rest on my shoulder. "What do you want?" I turned around, sneering. I was tired of playing nice, and none of my classmates were around to see if I dropped my facade.

"My, so vicious," the person said slyly, dropping their arm around me like we were old buddies. I could hardly see their face, but one thing I could tell for sure was that they were in desperate need of some chapstick. "Relax, Izuku, I'm just here so we can plot our next move." His hand moved up to wrap around my neck with one finger hovering off of the skin.

The corner of my mouth quirked up, and I couldn't help but feel amused rather than threatened. "Nice to meet you too, Shigaraki Tomura."

"Let go grab a seat and get comfortable, why don't we?"


"When it comes down to it, I hate basically everything," he explained to me. "I'm not gonna go into my past or anything, but let's just say that sensei helped me out in a tough moment, and now he's helping me get rid of the things I don't like. So how about you? What's your story?"

I scoffed. "Getting rid of things you don't like? How childish, but I guess you could say it's about the same for me. People have looked down on me my entire life just for being born the way I was, and sensei has offered me a chance to prove everyone wrong." We were silent for a moment. "Why wasn't I informed about the attack on UA?" I inquired

"Simple. I hadn't met you yet, and couldn't trust you. Even now, I don't like you all that much."

I chuckled, "the feeling is mutual."

"But it seems..."

"... we have one common problem..."

"All Might," we said his name, not without a hint of disgust, together.

"That moron is the reason all these people can smile so thoughtlessly," Shigaraki started.

"He's a fake made up of lies to comfort and deceive the people," I sneered.

"They feel so safe because that garbage pro is smiling so thoughtlessly too!"

"To think I was once one of the blind fools to admire him,"

"Everything is his fault..."

"The solution is simple..."

"We must...

Quirkless (Villain!Deku AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt