3 - All for One

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I stepped out of a warp gate into a room filled with monitors all showing different things. Some seemed to be live feed, others old videos, and some were just showing static. In front of all these screens was a high-back leather chair, and based on a third person's raspy breathing I assumed there was likely someone in it.

"I brought him here as per your request, master," Kurogiri bowed slightly.

The chair swung around to reveal a man connected to several tubes. I jumped back slightly when I saw his face; the top half's skin held irreparable damage from some sort of burn or injury that completely covered his eyes. I wondered if he could see. Other than that he was dressed in an impeccable suit and seemed quite at ease.

"You must be the young Midoriya Izuku," he said.

"U-um, yeah that's me," I fidgeted.

"This is some marvellous research you have done here," he stated, holding up three more of my notebooks. "But based on what I have observed, it doesn't seem like people appreciate you much for it."

"Y-yeah, I guess you could say that."

A video of the time Kacchan blew up and threw away one of my notebooks appeared on a screen. On another was me as a little kid being bullied. Before I knew it, all the screens were filled with videos from my past.

I took a hesitant step back."H-how long have you been watching me?"

"Quite a while," he said. "Ever since it was determined that you were quirkless, I'd say."

"But why would you watch a quirkless, worthless nobody like me?"

"Worthless? I wouldn't say that. Look at what not having a quirk has done! It pushed you to work harder and force yourself in your studies. My, I would say you have a better understanding of the technical aspects of quirks than most pros!"

I let myself smile a little. No one had ever said such nice things to me before. Not even my own mother.

"You see, Izuku, the reason I brought you here is because I saw great potential in you. Too much to let it be snuffed out like a flickering candle. I want to help you grow your flame so you can unleash it and prove everyone wrong. How does that sound?"

"That sounds... pretty awesome." I smiled sheepishly.

"Good! Now, if I am correct, you wanted to attend UA, no?"

My smile instantly vanished. "I mean, yeah, I guess, but how am I supposed to get into such a prestigious school without a quirk? Even All Might said it would be impossible for me to become a hero," I sulked.

"Tsk, tsk. What does All Might know? Besides, I thought you realized by now; heroes are just a bunch of actors on the stage we call our world. They may claim to bring peace and justice, but was life ever just to you?" I was silent. "All Might may have said you couldn't become a hero, but he never said you couldn't become a villain, did he?" My worst suspicions were confirmed. These guys really were villains.

"M-me?" I backed away in terror. "A-a v-v-villain? Stand against All Might? It's impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible, child. Villains hardly differ from heroes when you think about it. We all fight in the name of our values. Who determines what is right and what is wrong? How do we know what they say is the truth? You see, everything is speculation. Heroes are only heroes to those who share their beliefs. That also means villains are heroes for those who are forced to hide in the shadows. Young Izuku, All Might is not your hero. He told you you couldn't follow your dream, which puts him against you. Rise up, child, and become the hero of the shadows. You can defeat this foul villain and free many who feel imprisoned by society. You no longer have to be alone."

It's true that I always thought the world was against me. Being born without a quirk made everyone look down on me. Nobody cared. Not until now anyway. My first instinct was that this man was only trying to use me and that I should escape to the nearest hero agency as soon as possible, but a part deep inside me told me that this was where I was meant to be. This was the step I was supposed to take. And there was something else about him. Something I had not felt in a long time from anyone. It almost felt like... fatherly love. 

Word count: 767

Authors note

My computer keeps trying to correct Kurogiri to Kuro Kiri. It's getting really annoying. I ended up just adding it to my personal dictionary. Don't mind this randomness.

Also, I have no clue myself whether All for One will be Izuku's dad in this fanfic, so take it how you will.

Love you! Thank you for reading!

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