11 - Combat training

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Just because it's a villain Deku fic doesn't mean I can't still put hero Deku pics. Credit goes to the artist, found on Pinterest 

"I AM HERE! Coming through the door like a normal person!"

I looked up as All Might arrived in our classroom. Everyone started freaking out about the number one hero being our teacher. I suppose if I was the same person as before, I probably would have been excited too, but now I just glared, hatred filling my eyes while he explained today's lesson.

"Fight training!" Kacchan shouted.

"Real combat?" This was starting to get interesting.

I was thrilled to find my costume exactly how I had designed it. This would up my game 100%; almost every part of it could be used as a weapon.

"Listen up! You will be grouped into teams of two, split between heroes and villains! The villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout, and the heroes must foil their plans through capture or retrieval of the weapon! We will now draw lots for the teams!"

I was up first on the hero team with Uraraka, and the villains we would be fighting would be team D, Kacchan and Iida. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous; I had never beaten Kacchan at anything before. But it just so happened that All Might was watching. I would prove him wrong and show Bakugou how much I had changed.

"He's still pissed about me disappearing," I explained to Uraraka once we started. "He will undoubtedly come for me, so I'll fight him while you find Iida."

"But Deku, will you be okay? I mean, your quirkless and he came in first in the entrance exams..."

I wished people would stop doubting me! "I'll be fine!" I shouted more harshly then I needed to. "Just take care of your end!" I shoved her aside.


My shouting had given our location away and Kacchan was quickly descending upon us. Suddenly, I had one last idea. "Hey, Uraraka. Do you think you could use your quirk to lighten me up just a bit?"

She did as I asked and took off. Meanwhile, Kacchan was preparing his first attack. I already knew what it was. It would undoubtedly be a right swing. I countered easily by grabbing his arm and swinging him to the ground.

"YOU DAMN NERD!" He got back up quickly and continued his onslaught.

It was time to break in my new costume.

I threw multiple kunai knives at the enemy that he dodged with ease. "HA! WHERE WERE YOU AIMING THOSE!" but as I pulled back my arms he was momentarily immobilized. "WHAT THE-" What he didn't - and couldn't - know was that attached to the handle of each blade were small, metallic fibres wrapped around each of my fingers. They were nearly invisible to the eye, only seen when they caught the light, and surprisingly strong. Using his explosions, Kacchan broke free quickly, but that wasn't all I had up my sleeve. Thanks to Uraraka lightening me up, I could dodge his explosion with ease, and my agility was nearly a match for his. Add that to my specially made boots that could find solid ground even in precarious situations, I was able to run along the walls and launch attacks from strange angles. I was able to call my knives back to me and send them forth with even more power than before thanks not only to the threads but as well the special magnets in my gloves that only reacted with a specific metal integrated into my blades, and the metal fibres made up most of my costume, protecting me when I made small miscalculations.

The support company had done an amazing job making this for me. I was truly a force to be reckoned with.

Granted, not all of it was the costume. Bakugou always had amazing combat instincts, but I had sharpened my own in my time underground. Every now and then, All for One would even bring me a real fighter to contend with!

"Damn it," Kacchan huffed. "When did you... get so strong? You're supposed to be weaker than me, so why?" He grabbed my collar. "You're quirkless, damn it! So why are you so strong!"

I simply glared at his hand. "Get off," I told him, looking down at his pitiful face. "Take your hand off of me, you trash."

That's what really did him in. If there was one thing Kacchan hated more than anything else it was people looking down on him and losing. It was just made so much worse by the fact that it was coming from me, someone he could always bully into submission.

"Deku..." he growled. "DON'T YOU EVER FORGET WHO YOU ARE! YOU'RE A WEAKLING!!" He grabbed the ring on his gauntlet and slowly started to pull it out. I was forced to jump back, and I heard All Might's voice over the building's intercom try to stop him.

"Young Bakugou! Don't do it! You'll kill him!"

"He'll be fine so long as he dodges!" He smiled maliciously.

The blast hit me hard, destroying everything in its path. There was nowhere to dodge; it filled up the whole corridor. As I layed on my back with my senses coming in and out of focus, I could here All Might calling for me to come in, but the ringing in my ears mostly drowned him out.

Kacchan laughed maniacally. "See Deku? SEE HOW MUCH STRONGER I AM THEN YOU!?"

"Deku, what just happened?" I could barely hear Uraraka's voice through the communication device.

"Everything... is completely fine..." I forced out while also forcing myself to my feet. "Where are you right now?"

"Near the middle of the fifth floor,"

Right above us, I thought. Maybe... if I could get him to destroy the ceiling with an explosion...

"That's enough," All Might sighed through the intercom. "This fight is getting out of control. I'm putting an end to it."

That what he said anyway, but neither of us were listening; we were too intent on destroying each other.

Kacchan came at me, and I sped towards him without backing down. My vision was still fuzzy from hitting my head, but I would fight him blind if I had to.

I got in close with my kunai and slashed his side before scrambling onto his back. He tried to shake me off, but I swung around and managed to wrestle his arm upwards.

"I WON'T LOSE TO YOU!!" I shouted and pulled what triggered the giant explosion last time.

As planned, the ceiling blew out, but no one was focused on the retrieval anymore. Our classmates came to restrain us as we continued to fight. All Might announced once more that it was over before stopping us with force. As he dropped in on our fight, I glared at him.

"You see that?" I asked him, using the last of my strength. "Did you see what I did? All that... without... a... quirk..." I fell to the ground and everything went black.

Word count: 1134


Yay! A longer one! (sorry they always seem so short). Chapters will probably be coming out on Wednesdays instead of Sundays, at least for a while now.

Thank you for reading! Love you all! 💘

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