20 - I'd Say We Dislike Each Other Equally

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Kinda unrelated but my art of my OC! Find me on insta! @fuegolis_art ↑


Woaahhhhh I'm not dead whaaaat??? So sorry for leaving those of you who made it this far on a cliffhanger for so long without any explanation. Gomen'nasai! I wish I could say that updates will be returning to usual but they will probably remain sporadic from here on out.

Anyway, without further ado, ch. 20!

Midoriya P.O.V

"Did you hear what happened?" their whispers echoed around me. "Three people died last night... they're saying there's a new killer on the loose..."

"Do you think they'll strike again?"

"I hope not..."

"But weren't the people who died also criminals..."


"That doesn't make it right!"

The next day was the sports festival, but beyond the excitement this event always brought, there was also nervous chatter regarding last night's events. Pro heroes surrounded the grounds to make sure security was as tight as can be, but little did they know they had nothing to worry about. Well, at least not from me. Can't say much regarding other villains.

I got permission to bring some of my tools but I wasn't allowed to wear my full costume which sucked. I still did rather well though, and made it to the final round where I defeated some purple haired kid by pushing him out of the ring before being utterly beaten by Todoroki. Figures.

Kacchan more or less avoided me for the rest of the week, although he kept shooting glances my way. On the plus side, at least he wasn't tailing me anymore.

Another benefit of the sports festival was that I finally got Todoroki to open up to me! Now more than ever I wished for him to join me, but I knew the answer would still be no.

Aizawa-sensei started explaining the hero internships to us. Naturally, I didn't get any offers. After all, who would want some quirkless boy tagging along? I scowled.

The sports festival still forced me to observe more caution though. As a quirkless wannabe hero, I had garnered quite a bit of attention. I wasn't the only one though. It seemed wherever us UA students went, we were bombarded with people and questions. Hopefully that will die down soon.

After dropping my stuff in my underground room and changing into something more comfortable, I headed up to All for One's office, planning to ask him what I should do and where I should go for the hero internships.

"All for One?" I called, pushing open the door. He always reprimanded me for not knocking, but this place was my home, and I felt at ease going wherever I pleased. It would have felt weird to break our normal routine of me waltzing in and him scolding me for it.

I immediately noticed that something was off. There were far less monitors turned on than normal, and most of those that were were showing static. The room seemed darker without their blue light to illuminate it.

I rushed over to the highback chair that as per usual was turned away from me, only to find it empty. Was he out? But he shouldn't be moving around in his condition! And as much as his legacy was mostly forgotten and turned into a legend, it would be disastrous if a hero caught him.

"You really should knock," I felt relieved for a split second before realizing that was not my master's voice. I jumped around, immediately on guard, and whipped out a knife. My face contorted with distaste when I saw who it was, and it took every fiber of my being not to give into instincts and kill the person on the spot.

"You," I hissed, able to recognize the mustache and glasses of the doctor that served as a mouthpiece to my terrible fate anywhere. "What in the non-existent lord's name are you doing here?"

"Good to see you too, Midoriya Izuku. My, you certainly have grown. To think that you actually managed to get into UA..."

"State your business," I cut him off. "Before my patience snaps."

"A well trained killer now, I see. However, I cannot allow you to kill me," he declared, mockingly raising his hands. "I have come to tend to All for One."

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, he's not here, so you can go back to crushing kids' dreams now."

"Au contraire," he brushed past me with a key in hand and opened a door against the wall that I hadn't even realized was there. He beckoned me to follow which I did cautiously. In the new room sat a large tank that held a person which I quickly realized was All for One. He was hooked up to even more tubes than before, and seemed to be doing far worse compared to the last time I saw him.

"Sensei!" I called, rushing up to the tank as the doctor set down his case and began sorting through his instruments.

"Young Izuku," his voice rasped from within. "No need to seem so tense and panicked; I'll be fine, and the doctor is here to help me." He seemed to sense my distrust. "It is good to be wary of others, my boy, but no need to fret; Dr. Garaki has been tending to me for years. As a matter of fact, he is also the one who first informed me about you." I looked back to where the doctor was smiling slyly. So that's how All for One found out about me.

I shifted uncomfortably, unsure if it was really fit for me to ask my question anymore given the new developpement.

"I'll be back to, well, my normal in about a week, maybe a bit more," he said, cutting through my train of thought. "Until then, please address your concerns to Shigaraki."

I couldn't help myself; I scoffed mockingly and incredulously. "But he acts like a child," I complained, ignoring the fact that he was older than me.

"Oh, so you two have met?" If he had any eyebrows, he would have raised one.

"Yes, we have, and I'd say we dislike each other equally."

"I suppose it can't be helped, but I would like it if you two could try to get along or at least cooperate. One of you will be my successor one day, and I would like it if the other was there to support the one who takes charge."

That's just the problem, I growled to myself, only ONE of us gets to lead, while the other will be forced to follow. It's getting turned into a competition in which there can only be one victor, and I have no intention of losing.

Word count: 1024

A/N (because I still have more to say)

Chapter 20! Wow! Tbh I never thought I would make it this far, even if the chapters were hella short for the most part. I started this story sometime in February when my obsession had peaked and I had first joined the fandom lol. Although it definitely could have been thought out better or more creatively (I'm well aware there are many, MANY similar stories out there) I have every intention of seeing it through until the end.

While you are waiting for updates, check out my insta! @fuegolis_art. Getting so involved in my art is part of what took me so long to update. You can also go read about my oc's adventures in exoticproductions5's The Lost Ones!

Finally, a quick thank you to these amazing peeps! I haven't talked to most of you in a long while since I've been off wattpad so long but I wanted to thank you guys nonetheless for your kindness.

See you all next chapter! (whenever that is but I promise it's coming). Arte-chan out 💘

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