22 - The Hero Killer makes an appearance

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"Seven..." I muttered under my breath.

"Hm? What was that Midoriya?" Iida inquired.

I put on my flustered appearance as I realized I had been talking out loud. "O-oh, it's nothing. Just thinking about some things I guess." 7 was the number of scum I had killed so far during my nightly excursions. I was all over the news, and yet they had no leads on me. I had every intention of keeping it that way.

I quietly followed behind Iida and Manual while we were out on patrol for the internship. As is turned out, the transfer procedures wouldn't be complete until after our internships, and therefore we wouldn't know who the new student was until after. No rush though, it hardly made a difference to me.

"Man, I can't believe Ingenium's little brother is interning at my agency! Not only that, but I got two of you UA students! Both of which made it to the top eight! I'm sure you at least Iida must have gotten better offers..." his voice trailed off as he turned around to face us, or Iida more specifically. "It's kinda hard for me to ask this, but you're after the hero killer aren't you?"

"How did you-" Iida started.

Please, it's so painfully obvious, I thought to myself.

"I couldn't think of any other reason you would come to my agency," the pro admitted. "But don't get me wrong, I'm happy you're here! And what about you, Deku, are you here for the same reasons?"

"I was just looking for a place that wouldn't reject me," I answered honestly. "But I'd be lying if I said I didn't come to Hosu because it seemed like it would be the center of all the action..."

"I see, well, then promise me one thing; you won't use your quirks for yourselves." He hesitated as he realized this didn't exactly apply to me. "The only reason heroes can use their quirks is because of the regulations put on them. I know this must be hard for you, Iida, but you can't go pursuing personal grudges."

It almost felt like he was addressing me at the same time even though he knew nothing of my situation. I tried to brush the words aside but they stuck to me, causing my mind to grow muddled as more thoughts, as well as the urge to hurt someone yet again, boiled to the surface.

"Midoriya? Are you okay?" Iida asked.

I snapped out of it to find that I had tuned out of their conversation and had been holding my head between my hands. "Never better," I replied, lying through my teeth as my fingers twitched beside one of my knives.

Our conversation was interrupted by several loud explosions and the smell of smoke. At the same time, Manual got a call on his communication device.

"What did you say?" he answered. "Villains appeared? I can head there right now!" He hung up. "You two! Make sure you stick close to me!"

It seems the show has finally begun, I smiled internally, wondering what Shigaraki had up his sleeve.

We ran for a while until I noticed Iida was no longer with us. I hesitated for a moment before making up my mind.

"Manual sir!" I called over the noise. "I don't see Iida anymore! Do you want me to go back and look for him?"

The pro stopped to have a look around. "That fool!" he exclaimed, before giving me the go-ahead. "Go! As soon as you find him I want you to either come straight back or find a safe place to hunker down!"

I nodded and took off. As much as I wanted to see what chaos Shigaraki had cooked up, I was even more curious as to what was going on behind the scenes. Iida wouldn't stop for nothing. I wonder what he had found?

I came upon the alleyway just in time to see him pinned under a man's spiky boot. This stranger held a jagged sword that was lodged in Iida's shoulder, and like me, he seemed to be carrying several other weapons as well. He wore a signature bloodred tattered scarf, and his face was masked by an off white bandana. So this was the hero killer. What an interesting man indeed.

I found myself a hidden perch near the wall and just listened in, a mere observer in the predicament. I lent an ear as Iida gave a speech about his brother, hearkened as Stain drew attention to the pro hero Native, and watched as he raised his blade above my seemingly paralyzed classmate's neck.

"Is killing some kid really the best option?" I called from where I was watching things play out. Iida seemed to have passed out from loss of blood, so I no longer felt the need to conceal my presence.

Stain's head snapped towards where I sat on some crates, one leg hanging loosely as my ankle from my other rested on my knee, my chin resting in my hand.

"Another one, eh? You damn heroes just keep coming out of the woodwork."

"Please, I wouldn't call myself a hero," I responded, calmly hopping down and stretching out my legs in a display of complete comfort despite being just meters away from a cold-blooded killer. "Actually, I think I'd rather if you didn't call me a hero; they are all useless."

"Oh?" he replied, seemingly intrigued, but without dropping his guard.

"You're a student at UA, right?" Native called from where he was slumped against the wall. "What are you doing? Take your friend and get out of here! Don't worry about me!"

"Shut up," I growled, throwing him a glare that could slice through metal before embedding my knife deep in his throat with a simple flick of the wrist. "Like I was ever worried about you."

"... What is your game here, kid?" the hero killer inquired.

"Shigaraki said Hosu would be the center of the action. Does that have anything to do with you?"

"Shigaraki is a mere child," he scoffed, and I couldn't help the smile that came to my face.

"I couldn't agree more."

Word count: 1015


Ayeee double update. Hope you enjoy! Arte-chan out 💘

Quirkless (Villain!Deku AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin