5 - Confrontation

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It had been ten months since I had seen the sun. My anger and frustrations had ten months to come to fruition in that underground area. Ten months I had spent mostly training in solitude; the only other person I ever saw was All for One and after the first couple of weeks I was more often left to my own devices. He would come down every now and then to check on me or teach me something new, but I mainly taught myself from the books. Food, clothing and other necessities were delivered to me via a warp gate in my room, and I had a mirrorless bathroom to keep clean.

Now, I stood in front of UA. It was once my dream school. Now, I was here solely for the purpose of my mission which had two aspects to it. The first, of course, was to prove that even a quirkless boy like me could get into the number one hero course in Japan. It would bring down a rain of skepticism on the school, and All Might would be forced to admit that he was wrong, not that it mattered to me anymore; I would never forgive him.

The second part was to garner information for another one of All for One's prodigies. I had not met him yet, but sensei told me that we would likely be working together in the near future.

The merciless sun was glaring, it's brilliant rays blinding me. I shielded my eyes until they adjusted, yet still, it didn't seem to be enough. Was it always this radiant?

I approached the school with determined steps but was interrupted by someone charging at me from behind.

"Oi! Deku! What the hell are you doing here?"

Of course, he had to be the first person I came into contact with. He laid his hand on my shoulder and forced me to turn around, seeming slightly startled by my appearance. I hadn't changed much, but my forest green hair had grown longer and more unruly than ever before as it stood on end more than physics should have allowed. Because of my lack of exposure to light, my skin seemed almost white and I had dark bags under my eyes which now held confidence instead of uncertainty.

"I'm here to take the entrance exam, same as you and everyone else," I said calmly, lifting his hand off of my shoulder and dusting off my tracksuit. I then turned my back on him and headed into the school.

I could have felt his frustration from a mile away.


I sat through the lengthy and incredibly long presentation given by Present Mic without really listening. The written exam was a breeze, so the practical should be too. I doubled checked that I had all of my knives; I had brought ten in total. I could function with just about any weapon now, but these were the most transportable. I currently had them on a sort of tool belt fashioned just for this, but once I could put in my costume application I would have to ask the support team for a better way to carry these blades.

I had the gist of the task; basically we were to take down robots with different point values. I scoffed. Fighting machines was way easier than fighting people. I would get in no problem, even without a quirk.

I warmed up outside the battle arena I was assigned to while observing the other students. Everyone seemed fairly confident. Some even had special gear to backup their quirks. I noticed a few throwing sideways glances at me as well, notably the serious-looking kid with glasses. He looked like he was about to confront me but was cut off by Present Mic's shouting.


And with that, everyone took off.

The entrance exam had officially begun.

Word count: 659

Thank you for reading! Love you all! 💓

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