17 - Nuisance

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Deku P.O.V.

I sipped my coffee daintily, it's hot bitterness a balm for my soul. "It seems I was tailed," I remarked casually.

"You're freaking useless. Can't even get to a coffee shop without being caught," Shigaraki snarled.

"No worries, nothing unusual about a coffee shop. I mean, we could have called this whole thing off yet here we are. So long as he remains outside, which I think he will, there should be no problems." I lightly nibbled on a scone. "So, what's our plan?"

"Our?" he scoffed. "You're just the information provider, I think I'll take care of the plans."

I glanced at him. Playing this game now, are we? "As you well know, the UA sports festival is coming up. What a great opportunity to attack, if only you could, right? Unfortunately, your little stunt at the USJ was just that: a stunt. You don't have the manpower or strength to launch a proper attack. Your little league is just a bunch of small fry banded together in hope for a better life, free from society. Now, tell me I'm wrong." It was clear I had hit a nerve. "I've hardly had any contact with you so far, and you don't seem like the kind of person who would risk meeting me just to 'get to know each other' so why don't we cut to the chase, yeah?"

"Why don't you provide me with some useful information on your school's security systems and All Might's weaknesses? Or have you not even managed to find that out yet?"

"It's no secret that the school is way overprotected, especially after what just happened. We have multiple alarms systems alone, and the defence mechanisms are top-notch. Still, those all rely on computers, so if you were to hack into the main system you could deactivate them, leaving only the teachers and pro heroes as obstacles. As for All Might..." I took a deep breath. "I'm still working on that one. For the time being, he seems pretty goddamn invincible, but every support item has its faults and cracks. It's just a matter of time..." I stood up from our table. "Well, thanks for the coffee, it was nice. We'll have to do this again sometime!" I would have loved to press for more, but I knew by now I wouldn't get anything out of him.

He handed me a piece of paper from where he was still sitting. "Take this. Once you have committed everything to memory, burn it." I unfolded it to reveal some form of communication code. "And make sure you take care of that... problem. I don't want anyone running interference. I still hate you, but you'll be even more useless if you get caught."

"Sure, no problem!" I offered him a warm smile, but it felt completely cold on the inside. "See you around! And maybe next time we meet, I can bring you some chapstick or something. Must be hard to get out and buy some when you're all over the news."

Bakugou P.O.V.

I waited for hours for the shit nerd to come out, sure I'd be able to get a glance at who he was with. Kirishima went home ages ago, but I was close to the truth; I could feel it.

I watched everyone who came out of the doors, but no one seemed that sketchy to me. Eventually, I lost my patience, wondering what the heck could be taking him so long and just headed in.

I looked around at the dainty little shop and observed it was nearly empty with the exception of an old man sitting by a window and a staff member wiping down the tables. My temper flared when Deku was nowhere to be seen.

"HEY YOU," I called menacingly, walking right up to the teenage girl working her shift. "YOU DIDN'T HAPPEN TO SEE A GREEN HAIRED KID ABOUT MY AGE IN HERE, DID YOU?" I got right up in her face.

"U-um w-why do y-you want to know?" she stuttered.


"Yes!" she squeaked. "He was in here earlier, but he left some time ago..." I cursed. Not under my breath, but loudly as I kicked the table. How the hell had I missed him?

"Tch, thanks I guess," I grumbled, heading home.


"BAKUGOU KATSUKI! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?" the old hag called as soon as I got in the door.



I threw my bag on the ground in the front entryway and stomped up to my room; food could wait. I pushed aside the curtains to my window and stared out intensely.

There the nerd was, in his room, doing who knows what. Training? He was certainly moving around enough. All I could see was his silhouette because he had his curtains closed.

How did he manage to get by me unnoticed? I pondered.

Deku P.O.V.

I steadied another knife, aiming it before carefully throwing it towards the wall where it embedded itself once more in All Might's forehead. At least my old posters were good for something. Too bad I didn't have moving targets though.

I tried to figure out what I was gonna do with Kacchan. He was too curious for his own good and just wouldn't drop the matter of where I had been. Killing him sounded like the simplest solution, but that would arise countless complications that I didn't have the energy to deal with. I had to deter him somehow.

Luckily Kuro had been able to teleport both me and that asshole out of the coffee shop so we wouldn't have to walk by Kacchan, so for now I at least didn't have to worry about him seeing us together. Still, I couldn't risk him continuing to tail me and finding me out. If only I could convince him the lie I told was true...

Word count: 991


Hey guys! Thank you all for waiting so patiently. Now that it's summer, the update schedule should be returning to its regular once per week.

Have a great day/night/evening! And for those of you who are reading this at 2 am, make sure you get some sleep, okay?

-- Artemis-chan out 💘

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