19 - Broken Dreams

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Midoriya P.O.V

Ugh, gag me. I had to act all emotional, in front of Kacchan of all people. Even if it was mostly a lie, it felt wrong to open up like that.

After changing out of my UA uniform I peaked out of the tent and watched Kacchan leave. Guess I wouldn't know the results of my little play until tomorrow, but I suspected it would be effective. He seemed to believe us.

The man I had dubbed Iemitsu made his way towards me, nervously rubbing his hands together. "We're done, right? You'll hold up your end of the bargain? You'll let my daughters go?"

I rapidly debated the consequences of killing him. It was unwise to leave someone who knew this much about me alive when he could report me the first chance he got, but at the same time if I killed him and Kacchan came around snooping again I would have a hard time explaining why he was dead.

"Why don't I take you to see your daughters?" I proposed, texting Kuro to open a portal. He nodded nervously and followed me through.

We walked through the halls of B4, Iemitsu flinching and every small sound and movement. Eventually, we arrived upon a cell with 3 beautiful blonde girls in it, aged 13, 15, and 17.

I opened the cage and threw the man in before locking it again. "As a sign of my gratitude, I'll let you four stay together," I spat and started walking away.

"Wait! What about our deal! And what have you done to my precious Amari?"

I looked back and noticed him bent over the 15-year old. She had strange marks covering her body and seemed to be shuddering in her sleep.

"Who knows?" I said shrugging my shoulders and grinning maliciously. "I'm not the only one here. It's possible she was used for an experiment, or maybe someone just wanted to have a little fun..."

I left despite their desperate cries and climbed the stairs to my room, relieved to be back. I almost felt as though the outside world had been softening me. This place was so much better than the hell out there.


The word echoed in my head.


Maybe I should have just killed that idiot...


I pressed the heels of my hands to my eyes. Was a peaceful slumber the day before the sports festival too much to ask for? I rolled onto my side and stared ahead at the blank wall as more thoughts starting bouncing around my head;

Why not just take a swan dive off of the roof!

You can't become a hero, kid. Dreams are nice, but you have to be realistic.

What's wrong, nerd? Finally give up on that useless dream of yours?

This is my chance to prove them all wrong!

I only got in the way again...




I'm so sorry, Izuku!

What you have done here is quite remarkable.

All Might is not your hero.

Rise, and become the hero of the shadows.

You no longer have to be alone.

"Screw this," I muttered to myself, giving up on sleep and slipping on a jacket before heading out to clear my head.

(cue the song at the top)

"I walk this empty street," I sung quietly, observing my quiet surroundings as well as a flickering lamppost. "On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Where the city sleeps – And I'm the only one, I walk alone..."

A sudden scream interrupted me and my head swiveled towards whence it came. I flipped up my hood and pulled out a dagger, just in case, slinking towards the ally.

"No, please, let me go..." a woman begged through tears as she was forced against the wall.

"Ha, there's no one around. No heroes to help you. There's nada," a man that was most likely in his thirties replied.

God, I hated people like this. Bored anyways, I kept walking, singing louder than before as I made sure my entire face was shrouded in shadows.

"I'm walking down the line – That divides me somewhere in my mind,"

"Who the hell...?" The man spun towards me at the sound of my voice and the woman was able to use his distraction to escape. "You little twerp..." He came at me with a knife, possibly drunk, and I easily knocked it aside with my left hand while still holding my dagger under my sweater with my right.

"Read between the lines – What's fucked up and everything's alright~" The blade sang as I danced behind him, cleanly slitting his throat. "Check my vital signs – To know I'm still alive and I walk alone." My eyes gleamed red in the moonlight reflecting off of the blood. "I just thought up a fun little game to quell my boredom..."


"Reports say there was very little blood, minus that which was purposefully smeared on the wall next to the first victim." I hummed, acknowledging the news report as I tied my shoes and held a piece of toast in my mouth. "What puzzles police most are the roman numerals engraved into the palm of each victim's hand. Although the autopsy has yet to confirm, they suspect the numbers represent the order in which the victims were killed. The only witness reports that the killer had been singing–"

I turned off the tv using the remote and headed to school.

Word count: 878


Consistent word count? What's that?

Thank you for reading! It seriously means the world to me. Remember to vote if you like the story! Arte-chan out 💘

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