He Stood By The Walls And Wondered (Awesamdude)

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It was gloomy in the mist, but he had to persist
For a deadline loomed over his head

Water clung to his clothes and he had to suppose
That eventually, he'd get the much-needed break.

The walls he built were blackened stone, and the intimidation had grown
And his loneliness was pushed down for a bit.

They'd talked about this for ages, and though he was given his wages
What was the price for going insane?

It was his pride and joy, and he'd sooner die than destroy
His companion of many nights and weary days

The machines were complicated and still, he was persuaded
To keep improving the defenses and locks within

Really, he was quite fine, for he'd put his heart into this design
And watching it come to life was a dream come true

It was a prison, and he wondered who'd be the one sundered
Trapped in this inescapable hell

But the question was oft avoided, the curiosity exploited
He was told that only time would tell.

But time told him true, and soon, he knew who
Would be the one imprisoned by his build.

And when he lay eyes on the captive, hands bound and body inactive,
In his heart, he knew something was wrong

He tried his hardest to be reassured, but once the prisoner was secured
His brows furrowed, and he frowned

He heard the pitiful pleads, and even he had to concede
That this was bad, and it needed to stop.

However eyes watched his every move, and he would be removed
If not for his knowledge of the prison

So he stood every day, watching the captive pray
For a way out from there, or life.

And he wondered, could it be that it was he
On the wrong side of the narration?

He wondered, was it him, sinking when he should swim,
Stuck on the wrong side of history?

He wondered, though not chained, was he just constrained,
A prisoner in the cell of his own making?

He wondered, was this dream just some evil scheme
Was he used by someone he thought good?

He wondered, would it end, betrayal by a friend,
But was it him or them doing the betraying?

He supposed he had no choice, and could not raise his voice
So he rebelled, with just his actions

If it cost him his breath then he saved someone from death
And he supposed that was a noble way to go.

phil and another dream one next :)

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