Chapter 11

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Nia's POV:

I don't wanna do this. From the bottom of my heart, no. But I had to adjust with this because stubborn ones get nowhere in life. Like Zaid, just look at him?

I mean yes, he might be paid well for this. But as per my information, his dad was a businessman when I last heard of him. It would have been a bigger and better deal if he just handled his own family business, isn't it? I don't know what made him do this.

Well, he might have his personal reasons.

Anyways, we all kept walking down the path between the green valleys hoping to find someone for help.

We Saw a red farmer's truck coming towards our direction.I nudged Alia indicating her to kindly launch into her act.

She placed one of her palms on her hip and the other on her fake baby bump, and Tariq placed his hand on her shoulder. She changed her expressions as if she was an uncomfortable and anxious pregnant lady.

"Doing pretty well" I whisper.

"Well that's okay, but I'm tensed about you and Zaid" Alia whispers back.I can't blame her.First I hate Zaid, second I am not good at 'acting ', especially as a woman.

As the tractor gets closer, Zaid raises his arms gesturing help.

He keeps waving, till the tractor comes next to us,

and passes by.

I mutter "useless" under my breath, assuming he didn't hear that.

Well, my assumption was wrong.

"Ahem?" He raises his eyebrows folding his arms."The next chance is yours"

I lift my shoulders. Easy peasy.

We walk for a while with absolutely no luggage except a bag.

I don't know what the heck is going on. I don't know what am I even doing. I don't know why tf is this happening. I don't know anything. I just know one thing; I hate it.

This place looks so beautiful, I swear. Those vast green pretty mountains with snow sprinkling on the top. This underdeveloped peaceful road, the cold breeze hitting my face as I walk on it. It feels good, I like it. I like the environment, it's romantic. But honestly, since past few years, the romance in me turned down from a nine to zero, or maybe a minus one, and especially with this bastard next to me? it's a minus three-thousand.

Never seeing this guy's face was one of my biggest wishes I ever had. But look? life is funny. Here I am, pretending to be his wife. At this point, it's not even irritating, it's saddening. I'm so done with this bullshit. I just want to quit this fucking weird job and go home. I want to hear my mom shouting at me for not cleaning my room. I want my dumbass brother to fucking steal and destroy and stationery items. I want my dad to laugh at his own dad jokes. I want to go back.

The train of my thoughts was broken as I hear the same tractor coming which went past us a few minutes ago.

"Well everything I call comes back to me, whatever the reason be," Says Bastard Zaid, staring at the tractor then me. Yeah, I get it.

I just roll my eyes, nothing else. I'm so tired to argue now.

"Were you trying to wave at me back then?" The middle-aged man who was driving the truck asks Zaid, stopping for a while.

"Um yes. We're new here-"

"No rides, I am not a driver." The man cuts off him very rudely. Zaid is triggered already, so Tariq places a hand on his shoulder and stops him from speaking any nonsense.

'At least you can let us know if there's any motel or something where we can stay? We would be thankful" asks Tariq very politely.

"That hill, you see. Right on the top, there's a little motel. Welcome. Bye" He abruptly answers and presses the accelerator, leaving. He was just another frustrated middle-aged man. Seen too much of 'em now.

"Mean Fucker" mutters Zaid under his breath.

"So much like you, omg" I Say, chuckling. Phunny me.

"PhUnY YoU" he says, rolling his eyes. He said exactly what I was thinking. Do you know what that means? It means I'm actually Phunny.

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