Chapter 19

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Nia's POV:

I hold his wrist up and place the sharp end on his forearm. 

"close your eyes," I tell him. I don't want him to see it.

"Why?" he asks like a curious child.

"Just do it, please" I say and he immediately closes his eyes, probably because I used the word please which would have been highly unexpected by him.

I take a deep breath and try to scratch it deep, but it feels like I don't have control over my hands. They feel dead.

"try again, it's fine," he says without opening his eyes.

And for once, I stop to take a moment to stare at his beautiful face when he isn't knowing.

He is standing still with his jaw clenched, all ready to take the pain. The cheeks that I kissed once aren't that lively anymore, but that somehow makes him more attractive. It took a while for me to notice, but the innocence on his face that I saw a few years back - it's still there. Maybe it's not that obvious anymore. Why are his eyelashes so long? I felt mesmerised. Lost.

Then a question pops up inside my head. 

Why did he even leave me

That too, so abruptly? out of nowhere? when I didn't see it coming?

So easily, like I was nothing? 

"Nia?" he speaks, breaking the trail of my thoughts.

I wondered if I should tell him I can't do it. 

But again, what if his slick ass assumes that I'm still sensitive and weak?

I take a deep breath, and within milliseconds, I dig the edge into his skin while he bleeds.

Zaid's POV:

I let out a mild groan. I open my eyes to see a fresh wound, nearly 4 inches long, bleed.

I don't know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't something this harsh. Atleast, this proves that she really, really hates me. There isn't a single drop of affection left inside her towards me. And who's to blame? 

She immediately holds my hand, I can see the anxious expression on her face. I fail to identify if it's guilt or a genuine worry. 

She's about to take out a handkerchief and wrap my arm.

"NO! Don't do that" I interrupt her.

"why??" she looks at me with an innocent, worried expression. My heart melts.

"Love, did you forget the purpose of us doing this?" 

F*ck. Did I actually call her love?  Is she gonna kill me now?

But surprisingly she doesn't react at all and simply nods.

"Oh ..." she mumbles and stares at the blood dripping down my skin.

"Where the heck is Tari-" I say,  when I see Tariq, Alia, and three unknown people behind them running towards us.

Nia's POV:

"Help, please help" I say with a shaky voice trying to sound as desperate as I can.

Zaid holds his arm and groans as painfully as he can pretend to, while two fair and skinny men and one chubby woman approach us.

"Oh My God that's a deep cut" the woman says in a panicked voice. "Firoz, Give him a shoulder and take them to the jeep immediately" she sounds concerned. 

"Come quickly, beta. This boy Tariq has told me everything" She says as we walk fast towards the jeep. 

The woman sits in the front with Firoz who is apparently the driver.

Tariq and Alia sit at the back whereas Zaid and the other guy sit with us. He quickly takes out a first-aid kit and starts cleaning his wound.

"Is it hurting a lot, beta?" she turns back to look at Zaid. Her eyes are huge and bold. She has applied a lot of kajal which enhances it. 

"It would be fine, Miss-" he replies, probably thinking what to call her. 

"You can call me Apa" she smiles. "So you were returning from Mominabad?"

We nod. As if we ever heard the name of that.

"Oh... I must say you got lucky to come find me." She says."The people aren't very...welcoming here"

"why,Apa?" asks Tariq.

"Even though we consider it a free land, a man thinks this Area comes under him. he randomly comes here with his men, thinking he owns it, and sabotages houses to his accord. So people aren't really welcome to strangers. He doesn't bother us a lot, mostly due to my husband's deeds . We're the biggest family of this Village. I'm Ameena, the eldest daughter-in-law if our family. " She finishes with a smile. 

"Oh...Can you tell the name of that guy please ?" asks Zaid, when Tariq and I widen our eyes at him.

"Haha Beta it's okay" she chuckles at us. "It's Ali.Muhammed Ali."

She hardly said the whole name when the four of us froze. 

We're f*cked. 

Tariq and Zaid look at each other like it's the end of the world now. Their faces are as pale as snow. 

"What happened? Do you happen to know him?" she asks, with a confused expression.

"No Apa... he once raided our village too, so we have heard of him" I tell her, as she mouths an 'o'.

"Anyway, I hope he won't be here for a while." Us too, Apa. Us too. "it's my Niece's wedding. We were planning to do it in the city, my sons are all settled there. But Since My niece is very attached to this place, we decided to keep it here. " she sounds very excited.

"We are so sorry to bother you during this time, Apa." says Alia. She had been quiet for a while.

"Bothered? Oh no no... I might sound a little selfish here but I needed more guests to be honest... since people here are very less already. I wanted to wedding to feel lively, you know. Plus Your brother-in-law", she points at Zaid, "can recover till the wedding" she says.

where did Tariq even find this woman?

All of us give a grateful nod and sit awkwardly in the Jeep, waiting for the next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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