Chapter 18

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Nia's Pov:

We've been walking since 5 minutes and we can finally see the village. This place is so pretty. How badly i wish my reason fo being here for something else...

Alia breaks the silence by something super random, again.

"What are we gonna do now? I literally haven't used my brain for 12 hours because I trust that there are three mega minds with me and they're gonna think for me because I only excel in the art of zoning out"  she says. "But do you guys REALLY have a plan?"

To be honest, no. 

"Manipulation" mumbles Zaid out of nowhere. As usual.

"What?" Tariq and I saw in sync.

"We have to manipulate someone who's ready to take us in and let us stay here for a few days" he says, not looking at either of us. 

He sounds like a d*ck, I know. But I don't hate him for the idea, because we really do not have any other option. What do we do, tell the truth to people and ask for help? nah, that ain't happening. 

Tariq has a slight frown on his face. I assume he's thinking the same.

Alia gently takes my hand and squeezes it. "It's fine Nia, we're not hurting anyone."  she smiles.

"Yeah, I don't think we have any other option" Says Tariq, staring blankly. 

Zaid is giving me the weirdest puppy eyes I've ever seen. They're begging yet passively dominating. 

"I didn't even say anything, why are the three of you looking at me?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Because you always have a prob-"

"Shut up Zaid." Tariq cuts him off in between. "Fine then, we are gonna play pretend and ask for help. But we need a solid and convincing story, so convincing that someone readily takes us in to help" he says. 

I do have an idea. It might be a little gross and painful tho. 

"I have an idea" I finally say it, without overthinking.

"Go ahead" says Tariq.

"Well'', it's simple but not easy.  A couple and was on their way back from a trip, from a funeral specifically. The bus broke down on the way the driver asked everyone to get off since the number of people was less. The family had no idea where to go. They were finding their way back- and now here's the part which is gonna make the plan really work- when one of them gets a really bad injury, and now they're bleeding. So one of the couples desperately goes and asks for help, their hands covered in blood, to trigger the person we're manipulating. I know this plan is a little tough. But without it, we won't really get the time we need to stay here. People can easily help us to leave the town by offering any possible vehicle. So yeah. That's pretty much of it" I finish off, staring at Zaid and Tariq. 

" thought all that within...... 5 seconds?"  Says Alia, staring at me with her mouth open.

"Still reads fanfictions,apparently" says Zaid, while giving an annoying yet hot chuckle, to which I respond by rolling my eyes. 

"great..... but" Tariq looks concerned. 

"what happened?" asks Alia.

"Which one of us is gonna get hurt? Who's gonna bleed enough to put up the show?" Asks Tariq, in a low voice. 

Now that's a question.

"I will" I quickly respond before anyone says anything.

"And why will you do that?" Zaid shoots back immediately, looking almost concerned. 

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