Chapter 12

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Nia's POV:

"WE GUYS HAVE TO WALK THAT FAR?" Alia let out a squeal pointing at the far green hill."I'm not doing this. I haven't eaten anything since last night, I would faint"

"There's no other option Alia. We HAVE to do this" I said. There's no one to help. Plus I haven't eaten too, but just like I always say: I have been trained for this.

"Maybe she's right. " Tariq says. "I mean just look at the distance man. It seems like we would take 2 - 3 days to get there. Plus we don't have any food with us. Only a thin amount of money, I'm kinda sure it won't work. Rather let's look for an alternative" 

"There's literally no one here except us Tariq. Even for an alternative, we at least have to get inside the central village. So just stop overthinking plans and walk dumbos" Zaid sights and starts walking, leading all of us. He might be right here but  'Dumbos'?  who does he think he is? He wants to lead us? He wants to lead ME? He might boss over his stupid launchpad and amateur terrorists, But this is not HIS  launchpad, neither I am HIS  terrorist.  

 I walk faster to reach him, as Tariq and Alia are like 10 meters behind us. "You're not our boss Zaid"

"Oh, so YOU are?" he says in a high pitched tone, trying to mimic me. Ewww. 

"Neither I am. I f*cking want to kill you and YOU f*cking want to kill me, so none of us can rely upon each other. So just be a part of us and keep your stupid superiority complex aside for a while Mr Hassan" I say in an exasperated tone.

"Not gonna happen" he clicks his tongue annoyingly. 

Just ignore him. Just ignore him. Just ignore him.

I keep repeating these words in my head as I keep walking. How bad I wanna kill him. Like right now. I wish I had my pistol with me. 


It has been like 30 mins of a continuous hike. I'm bored and hungry. I want food. I love food. SO much. The homemade pancakes with some maple syrup dripping....PUREEE HEAVENNNN.
I used to eat a lot a few years back and I was kinda chubby. I hated it. I was with Zaid during those days. He kept telling me how much he liked my red cheeks and my glasses, my gentle voice and you know all that immature stuff. But I wasn't happy with my body, maybe I was too conservative to understand that all bodies are beautiful. I'm still not petite, but I am happy the way I am. And oh I have a nice figure, hit me up ;)

No actually, don't do that. I don't want to go to jail accused of a murder.

Anyways, I have a great memory so I remember everything about everyone. Tariq was very smart and studious at school. Those popular horny girls were after him, but came back with their pockets full of a 'gentle rejection'. He used to reject everyone as he was a gentleman and kept waiting for his sweet someone. He said he had a crush on someone but never revealed it. Alia?  Yup, maybe. Likewise, he's still the same. Except he's a di*k.

About Alia, nothing has changed in her over the years except her looks. She is still the same. Quirky, dumb, cute, faithful and too natural to be a Human. She spoke a lot, she still speaks a lot. People thought she was ugly but puberty hit her really good and she's like a petite model now. My only best friend.My love.

Now me, Nia. I was just... the decent kid. I don't know If there was something special about me. That's a different thing that Zaid kept telling me how special I was. I was the 2nd Ranker. I was always second, even when I worked so f*cking hard. I used to speak less, but whenever I did it was so polite. I had great leadership qualities. I took the time to open up.I loved sleeping and food. My family was my first priority. I hated making new friends. I was oversensitive. I was kind of mysterious because no one could guess what's going inside my head except Zaid. I think this quality is still the same.

Zaid. Zaid? Zaid was.... nice. What else do I say? he was just perfect. He used to speak so less yet productive, and he still retains this quality. Unfortunately, he had his superiority complex back then too. He was one of the tall-hot bad boys. Girls kept gossiping about how hot he was but were too scared to approach him. Black was his theme, that was kinda attractive. I still remember his scents were mesmerising. Everyone thought he was too rude and egocentric to handle but... I knew the reality. He had a heart. a big one, no one could ever compare. Rude to the world, but he would keep me as his princess. You ask him to jump off the cliff for his family and us, he would literally do that. I still can't process why he got himself into this. Also, he was the 1st Ranker. Yeah, the one I kept losing to. But I was never jealous of him. I loved him. I felt we were soulmates. But there's no point of thinking about it because people change quicker than ice melts.

"Hushh we could finally the see houses now" Squeaks Alia. We're almost there. Finally.

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