Chapter 1

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Nia's Pov:

"Hush it's done"

I finally took a breath of relief after a pretty long day.


I consider myself to be moderately perfect. 

Or to be honest, I'm not bothered.

Well, I rather have an unusual job, VERY unusual. An agent? Yes, bud. No, not like killing people like movie badasses., but spying on various suspects without letting them know about our real identity.

Here comes the tough task:- We have to be around them 24*7. And if found out? One bullet shot. Or many. The end.

Now, the question is, why did I choose such a perilous job?

Nope, my dad did not die in a terrorist blast.

See, I'm here for a dumb reason.

you're weak.

You're oversensitive.

you can't even bear a compact pain.

you overreact to everything.

These were the last sentences I got to hear from my ex's mouth. Not only him but the rest of the school as well. I got bullied for the same reason.

And now, call me a thing and I'll chop your head off. No but I'd actually do that.

Nobody knows that I'm a spy, though. But one thing is pretty clear. I am strong.

And one day if I find him, I would have the potential to slap him right on his face and tell him how weak I am.

6 Years Ago

Nia's POV:

"Zaid! "

I jumped on the desk, screaming in fear.


he replied in an irritated tone.

Well, I really can't describe him. 

He's just..... perfect. A tall guy with dark brown hair. More? He has a really deep voice. In addition to that, the accent. Brown eyes one could die for. His lips are soft af.In short, he's just very wantable.

When our relationship began, He accepted me the way I was. But now?.... I can't explain.


I screamed with fear, again.

'you know what is freaks me out? You."

He said. I stopped right where I was.

"Nia, you are just.... oversensitive. You overreact to every little shit on this planet. I'm honestly sick of playing your bodyguard. I can't do this. You can't face any problem and I really don't know how we're going to manage this in the future. It's over, Nia"

I was, not afraid of the insect anymore. My heart pounded, and I felt the pain right in my chest.

This wasn't the first time he said that. I've heard him a couple of times. But then, I stopped him. I begged for pardon. I apologized for being weak. For being sensitive.

But this time, the difference was I didn't stop him.

I stood there while the tears rolled down my warm cheeks and he left the room without even turning back.

And I let him leave because I knew it was going to happen again. Plus, for how long I'll be forcing him to stay? If he can't accept you the way you are, then he's not the one.

At this very moment, I decide to change myself. Change me into something he'd be afraid of one day.

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