Chapter 3

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Nia's POV

I knocked on the door.

I was usually not nervous about this thing. but this time, I think I was. Probably because it's my old friend.

I could see how scared Alia was, already.

"Don't speak anything, okay?"

I whispered, Right before someone opened the door.


I spit it out quickly, In a fake male accent. I had been practising it for a long time so I think it worked well...

But, unfortunately, the guy who opened the door was not Tariq.

Terrorists live in groups. He might be inside, don't lose hope, Nia.

"We don't need this."

said the scary man while closing the door.

But the thing I caught was, he said 'we'. 

Which basically meant there was someone else, too.

"Sir, Please try it. It's amazing"

I said while pushing the door open and entering the house without his permission.

"Please smell it once. If you don't like it, we'll leave immediately."

The man, who now looked very much irritated just agreed to smell it, thinking that we'd just leave after that.

uh, No.

He came forward to smell it. And guess what?


I held him before he fell to the ground and made a noise. And put him in the corner, quietly.

Alia just kept staring in disbelief.

"Nasir, Who's it on the door"

Came a voice from inside.

And I think I've heard this one before.

I could see Alia's eyes getting wider.

"This is Tariq!" she whispered under her heavy breath.

I nodded yes, she was right.

"Okay so we know Tariq is here, you said we are here just to make sure if he's still here. So now that off we know, Let's leave before he finds out and gets our heads cut"

she said, pulling me out of the house.

"No girl. We can't be sure about this fact just because of the voice we think, is his.I have to see his face"


"No. You leave.'

And during this discussion, we never came to know when we had this guy standing in front of us.

As a matter of fact, It was Tariq.

Alia's POV

It was scary and strange to see him like this after such a long time.

Did I ever mention I had a crush on him long back?

He looked hot, to be honest. Hotter than before.

The best part of him ? is the eyebrows. Gosh, I love them.

But as of now, The situation tells me that this is my last day on this planet.

He widened his eyes when he saw that guy Nasir on the floor and two of us standing there like stupid.

I honestly had no idea what was even gonna happen.

"Don't move" Said Nia, with the handgun he had been hiding in her hand now.

'Don't make noise or either you or Nasir, have to quit this planet full of terrorists like you, Tariq"

She's quite brave. Agreed.

"Who the heck are you? And secondly, you know where are you standing right?"

He said, In a dangerous plus confident tone. Overall, we had no idea how many other snipers were sitting inside with piles of grenades and guns.

Nia's POV

Here begins my plan now.

I dragged Alia in front of me and pulled off her fake beard.

She was confused. And scared.Very.

"Recognize her?"I said, in a very devilish tone.

"is this......" Tariq said, taking a huge pause.

"Is this.......Alia?

"Yes, it IS Alia. You want her safe?" I said, putting the mouth of my pistol right on her head.

Masterplan, isn't it?

I felt real guilt while doing this.

But then, it was for the sake of all of us.

The backstory? Simple. I always knew Tariq had a thing for Alia. The way he saw her, and stuff. It was pretty clear.

He liked her.

I was not sure about this until I came to know he still texted her even after such a long time, and even after he's a piece of shit.

but shit, trust. I broke the trust of the only person who promised to never leave me. But this is all a drama, and I was pretty sure Tariq wouldn't make a move when it comes to Alia.

And yes, I was right.

He stood there still.

"Don't hurt her"

"I won't. Hands up now"

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"I keep legal guns, unlike you. So you know who am I"

I said.

But now I could see a tear slip down Alia's eye.

" Trust me, Alia. I know he won't do anything." I whispered under my breath, to ensure her, right when I felt a huge thud on my head, making everything dizzy.


Zaid would finally be here in the next chapter ;)

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