Chapter 7

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Zaid's POV:

I dragged Ali off Nia before he broke her bones into tiny pieces.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked.

Well, he is a maniac. A big one.He pushed me into this job, made me work under him for an year.Then?

Then he just reached to some other guy named Hussein and did the same of what he did to me.

But the little difference here is that Hussein was a cheat, a fraud. 

He took all the money Ali had offered to him, and then gave all the particulars of  Ali to the intelligence,ignoring Ali's threat of killing his whole family.

Ali escaped prison, but since then The Intelligence always had an eye on him. 

It was decided that he would never come to this place, because we didn't want this place to be discovered by anyone.

"An officer is after me.I had no place to hide" answered Ali.

"ARE YOU STUPID,ALI? WE ALL WILL BE CAUGHT AT ONCE." yelled Tariq at him.It was obvious.

"Are you sure he's alone?" I asked.If he's alone, we can just....kill him?

"Uh......I'm not sure" Answered Ali. 


Tariq held up his collar, when I heard a chuckle.

Yeah.Who else could be happier rather than her? 

She stood up, pressing her palm again her stomach, which must be hurting hard.I wonder how she's not dead yet.This is pretty impressive because no one is able to stand Ali.She did.

"Thank you,Ali" she said in a fake happy tone, a smile plastered on her pretty face.Pretty face? No, just face.

Ali stepped forward to kill her when I grabbed his arm.

"Listen dude.We Don't have time for this anymore.Let's be leaving" I said, as Tariq nodded.

Nia's POV:

everything was going pretty amazing right before Ali spit those ugly words.

"Take those girls,too"

I just want to kick his balls to death.WHY?

Zaid and Tariq nodded, because leaving me here probably would be problematic for them later on.As a matter of fact, this is true.

Ali ran out of the room to call out rest of the 9  'Assassins' who lived in the same house, when Tariq stood right in front of Alia.

"Alia, stand up"

He said in a cold voice.

"No...." she mumbled under her breath.

"She so innocent for all this Tariq. Let her go,please" I said, taking a step forward.

"How hard I want to say yes,Nia. But for the sake of all 12 of us, I have to do this.But I promise she'd be safe"

He said, sort of ashamed.Awwwwww.

"I have no other option.If I have to die, I have to die" she said.

"Listen idiot.You won't die. If something happens to you,I'll kill all of them" I said, glaring at Zaid.

"Awwwwww, best friends" Zaid said as he chuckled and pouted.Cute.

"Tariq,take Alia and make sure she's safe.Give me 5 mins" he completed his sentence, as Tariq nodded and held Alia's hand.

"Aw Zaid, now we have to talk?" 

I said faking a wink and smirking.

"Don't create any nuisance on the way, Nia. Well you might have Survived Ali, but you won't survive me

"Oh my god.I'm so scared Zaid. Somebody save me"

"Yeah exactly.Somebody save you.I'll make you scream"

He smirked.

"Oh my god, Like Ali did?"

I shot back to that,laughing, and he rolled his eyes.

My biggest motive right now was to waste his time.

He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped.
His face expression sudden changed into a serious one as he grabbed his walkie talkie to contact Tariq.
He pulled me out of the room by my wrists, as he spoke
"Tariq? Can you hear me?"
"Yes, I'm with Alia and we left through the back door.You are still there?"
"Yes, we are stuck here now, and I can hear gunshots downstairs.Half of us must be dead"
"Shit.Shall I come back and pick rest of you through the spare door?"
"No,Don't turn back.Wait for us, we'll be there.Over and out"
He said, while keeping back his walkie talkie.
He stepped forward as I pushed him to the ground, as he fell down with a thud.
he was about to say when a bullet striked the wall right behind him.
I saved him.Yay.
As I said before, I am trained for this. *Wink wink*
He stared at me in disbelief, but then realized there's no time left for this.
We ran and ran through the chaos,hiding behind walls, protecting ourselves from the bullets.I had an option to run.But then, If I came out In front of the army right now, they would have killed me two seconds before recognising the person they shot is from their side.Secondly, they are not going to kill Alia, let's just hope so.It would be a good opportunity to keep an eye on them.
I have to admit that none of us is a loser because we successfully left that house through the spare door alive, which he said was no one aware of except him and Tariq.
"Zaid? Zaid?"
Spoke Tariq out from the walkie talkie.
"Where are you, Tariq?"
Said zaid, as both of us walked silently through the thin passage between the walls.
"They spotted our van.But here at a distance I saw this huge truck, and we hid into it.We're safe, Get here quick.Over and out."
We ran and ran until we saw that truck.
There it was.We are lucky, to be honest.
Zaid was pretty tall to climb up the truck, giving me a hand to get inside.

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