Ouma's new friend

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3rd Person POV:
Yawning, Kokichi threw his phone at his alarm clock. He hoped desperately that it would break the annoying machine.It did not work. After his plan failed and his phone had gotten stuck on a shelf, he rolled out of bed and turned off the alarm by hand.

Whatever, I'll just make some breakfast.

Kokichi slid out of bed, rubbing his eyes. As he reached for his phone, hoping to rescue it from the shelf, he noticed a sharp pain in his lungs and throat. Kokichi decided to ignore it, he wasn't in the mood for this bullshit. Eventually, Kokichi finished making a plate of toast, eggs, and some fish. The fish was to give to the cat that had somehow managed to sneak into his house the night before.

He sat down, eating slowly, feeling queasier with each bite.

Queasy enough that the shock of the cat jumping onto his lap caused him to throw up the food he had been eating. Along with the usual blood and flowers, of course


Oh well, at least the cat was happy.

Later that day, Ouma headed out to the vet to get the cat checked out. He was greeted by a senior vet and a junior vet, doing training with the senior.

"Doing the tests and check-ups will take a while. I would recommend going out and buying a bed and carrier while you wait! Just be sure not to buy any treats, or food, as we don't know what will be healthy for this pretty little cat yet! We also don't know a lot of the key information we need to decide things like that, so stick to what's on this list!"


Ouma took the list, then headed over to the closest bus stop. He paid for his ticket, then sat down, ready to read the list.

Bed- Size; Small; Extra soft

Medium cage with small windows

Soft blanket to fit inside cage

After reading the list, Kokichi noted the address of a recommended shop.

Okay, so that would be two stops away!

A few hours later, Kokichi returned to the vet's office, exhausted by the day's shopping.

"Oh, hello Kokichi! You're right on time!"

"Hi! Can I hear all the results?"

"Yep, we have it all written down on these sheets. Please read through them, and then I'll discuss with you!"

Name: ___

Gender: Female

Species: Cat

Breed: Ragdoll

Age: Aprx 4 months

Eye color: Light blue

Fur color: cream; Golden brown brown face & markings

Weight: 4.1 oz

Medical Conditions (Long term): None

Medical Issues (Short term): Weak respiratory system, underweight, slightly underdeveloped

"This kitten has been on the streets for a while, which has affected her health. I'll give you some medicine to help with her weakened respiratory system. Hopefully she'll have strong, healthy lungs very soon! Other than that, I can recommend a great brand of food and some supplements to help her get bigger and stronger.

"That's great, thank you!"

"Oh, and I'll give you a list of some toys and treats that I think she'll like!"

"Thank you!" Kokichi smiled awkwardly, feeling guilty at taking up so much of the vet's time.

"The last thing.. She needs a name! Do you have any in mind? Be sure not to rush! You want to make sure that a name fits it's owner!"

"I did have one in mind.."

"Let's hear it!"


"That's a great name!"

Soon, they finished the paperwork, and the kitten was officially Kokichis.

As Kokichi walked from the bus stop to his house, he struggled to carry several largs bags plus a cat.

"It looks like you could use some help."

Shuichi and Kaede?! What are they doing here?!

"Heh, of course, an evil supreme leader like me shouldn't have to carry all these heavy bags!"

Kokichi laughed loudly under his mask to cover up the coughing.

"Why are you carrying all this anyways?" Asked Kaede in a sugar sweet voice. Kokichi could tell that she was absolutely faking her cheerfulness. In fact, she seemed furious, most likely because Shuichi had offered to help someone other than herself.

"Oh, it's kind of a funny story. My house was broken into last night.."

"Oh my god, that's awful! Are you okay?!"

"Well, actually, I'm great, the intruder revealed themselves to be a very needy kitten. I just got back from the vet, the bags are full of toys, food, a bed, a carrier, things like that."

Shuichi exhaled, smiling brightly.

"That's really funny! It's so sweet of you to adopt an animal!"

Kaede looked just as furious as Kokichi had guessed she was. Thankfully, they had almost finished getting things inside.

"Thanks for the help!" Kokichi smiled. He was so happy that he had forgotten all about his cruel leader of evil act.

"Thanking people? That doesn't seem like something an evil supreme leader would do."

"Hah, I lied! I just want you to keep giving me favors!"

Shuichi rolled his eyes, smiling. Kokichi realized that Shuichi had known that Kokichi had been sincere.

"Bye Kokichi!"

"Bye you two!"

As soon as they were gone, Kokichi bolted inside and threw up.

A Garden of Regret  /Oumasai/Saiouma Hanahaki AUWhere stories live. Discover now