Three's a crowd

398 22 30

This chapter and future chapters will contain:
Body Dysmorphia

Kokichi's POV:
He actually invited me over for dinner!
Does Shuichi really want to be friends with me?
I didn't have enough time to figure it out before Shuichi pulled up in my driveway. Damn, he's a fast driver.

"Hi Kokichi!"
"Are you ready?"

I watched the rushing scenery through the car window. Trees, bushes, and giant honeysuckle plants.
As soon as we arrived at Shuichi's house, I rushed into the bathroom.

"Be right back Shumai, I just have to wash my hands and get ready!"

As soon as I was in, I locked the door and stepped onto his scale.

97 pounds?! For 5'1?! Ugh, I'm so disgusting..
I pinched my cheeks. I lifted my shirt. I grabbed my arms and legs.
Why do I have to be such a fatty!

I washed my hands and went back to help Shuichi cook.

"Hey, Kokichi, can you pass me the salt?"
"Sure Shumai!"

"Woah, I can't believe you made pizza dough from scratch!"
"It's not very hard."

"Ooh! It smells so good Shumai!"
"I'm glad to hear that!"
"Let's eat!"
"Or, we could wait for it to cool down.."
"Good idea."

Sitting at a small table next to Shuichi, I blew on my slice of pizza. It smelled great.

"I think this turned out pretty well!"

We ate in silence. Not an empty silence though, more like.. A peaceful silence. A happy silence.


"I'll get it," Shuichi said.
Is it just me... Or does he sound.. Disappointed?

It was just then that I realized.. The whole time I'd been at his house, having fun with him, I hadn't been coughing.

"Hello Shuichi!~ And Kokichi..!"


Fuck, I jinxed it.

"Oh, hello Kaede!"

I don't want Kaede to see how fat I am, I better throw up a bit so I look skinnier for her.

"Excuse me, I need to use the restroom quickly!"

I leaned over the toilet and stuck my index finger as far down my throat as I could, almost instantly causing me to be sick.

I wiped my mouth.

There, I still look fat, but not quite as bad.

I washed my hands and rejoined Shuichi and Kaede.

I ran out of ideas for this part, so time skip to when they've finished eating-

"Ooh, I have an idea! Let's go to the mall tomorrow! We can have lunch together and go shopping!"

"Ooh," I exclaimed. "Sounds fun!"

Kaede gave me her 'I wasn't talking to you and I honestly don't care about your opinion but because someone else is here I'll pretend I value your input' Look.

Man, she can get a lot across with just a facial expression.

"That would be great! What time would you guys like to meet up?"

"I don't have a driving license yet, and I don't have a car, so you can pick me up at 10 AM!"

Did Kaede just tell Shuichi that he had to pick her up? Rude!

A Garden of Regret  /Oumasai/Saiouma Hanahaki AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat