Just a normal day

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Kokichi's POV

I woke up choking.

It took me an hour to stop the vomiting, as opposed to the twenty minutes yesterday.

I guess I should...

I got out of bed, put on some comfortable clothes, and fed Honeycomb. She seems sad.

Maybe she knows..?

Every breath I took, I exhaled flowers. I coughed so violently, so often, I was miserable.

I felt like something was ripping through my skin, and quickly noticed that honeysuckle plants were growing from many points of my body. Fuck.

I thought of Shuichi, and how happy he was with Kaede. I smiled, tears rolling down my cheeks as I began choking.

I can't go yet... Not without..

Rantaro was always there for me. He always helped me. He always tried his best for me. Even though he had 12 little sisters to take care of, he always made time for me when I needed him.

My mind clouding, I grabbed my phone and typed out one last message for him.

My vision faded and everything went black.

 ✨Cliffhanger ✨

Thank you all so much for almost 1,000 views on my story! (I don't really know what to call them, lol)
I'm sorry I haven't been active for a while, I had some tests at school and I've been working on new chapters! Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed my story so far :)))

P.S. Happy Valentines Day! My readers are my valentines ✨

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