I'm here! Talk to me!

108 6 0

Ava's P.O.V.

I walk into the headmaster office.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" I asked.

"Yes....its about Gold." Thw hm said.
What about her?

I nodded in understanding.
"She isn't human..." Theo started.

I knew it her beauty is out of this world!

"Shes a fairy and vampire hybrid." The hm said.
Hold the fuck up shes a what now.
I have the look pure shook on my face.

"She comes from a tribe called 'Vrykolakas' it's made of vampires. She was a outcast from her father clan in which was made of fairy's-"

"Wait 'was'? What do you mean?" I asked.

"They're is an organization so called "Night Humters' they hunt mythical creatures like fairy's that one of the reasons we fight to protect them. Do you know why this school only takes strong people, is because they are usually mythical creatures, but some are humans and they are the ones that are strong because of hard work
This school helps those who can not go back to their mythical state." HM said.

Ok that's alot to take in. I have so many questions.
Am I human or not?
Is Rose?
Or Alona?
Is Theo not human?
Who are my real parents?
Who else kno-

Before I could finish thinking, I'm snapped back to reality.

"We know its alot to take in but we are not finished....." Thoe said looking died serious.

Holy shit....

I gulp and nod

Thanks for reading and um sorry for not posting.....but thanks for 1.01k reads..

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