Chapter 5

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In the year after Wren met the boy, whose name was apparently Undauntable, we traveled up, to the swamps, and I made sure to fly instead of walk through the patches of mud, because the first time that Wren walked over a patch of mud a MudWing leapt out and tried to eat her. I immediately blew fire at her as a warning. At my suggestion we headed for the beach, and Sky met his first baby turtle, and he immediately loved it and we camped for DAYS on the beach so that he could make sure that the turtle made it to the ocean and had a amazing life ahead it.

 Then we flew back through the swamps to return to Scarlet's palace to check on Mom and Inferno, who, according to Mom, had been taken by Scarlet to be her new champion and renamed Peril. ( I was extremely worried about her, and what torture she must've gone through.)

When we arrived at the palace, I asked the guard to tell Queen Scarlet that Crimson, her brother Sky, and their pet scavenger had arrived. I also told him that we had met the Queen and I just wanted to make sure our sister was safe. "Who's your sister?" he asked. "Her name is Peril, I believe" He visibly flinched at the name, and told me that she was fine and actually fighting right now. "Fighting?' I questioned. He then explained that she was Scarlet's champion and she was currently fighting a SandWing named Horizon. "May I see the fight?" I asked. "Sure, right this way." then he turned and flew towards an arena where Inferno/Peril was fighting a SandWing. I noticed a circle of tall, stone spires that were connected to each other by thin wires.

There was two empty seat right next to each other, and me and Sky claimed them. About two minutes later the fight was over, and the ashes and bones of the SandWing were picked up and dumped in a hole with many corpses. I saw Peril fly up to one of the spires and start talking to the dragon there. It looked like a MudWing, but the distance between us was great.

"Follow me." I whispered to Sky. He obediently rose from his seat and followed me. When I got there, I said" Who are you?" to the MudWing and Peril. " I'm Clay, and I'm a dragonet of destiny." said the MudWing." I'm Peril and the Queen's champion." Peril said. "Do you remember your family?" I asked Peril. "No." she replied warily." Really? Because you were only taken when you were four months old." I said. " And how exactly  do you know that?!" she yelled at me. "Whoa whoa chill. I'm your sister." I replied. She started in surprise. But just then the guard had told Queen Scarlet that I was there. She thundered out of the palace in a fury that shook the spires, and I whipped around to face the dragon-napper of my sister. I roared at her and she blasted fire. I dodged and it barely missed Clay.

I flew towards the arena and she followed, and then I whipped around and blew fire. She didn't expect that, so it caught her right across the back. I slashed my talons across her wing and it forced her to land in the arena. She then roared and all the dragons came rushing out of the palace to watch the fight between the queen and a crimson stranger.

Of course all of the dragon thought that their queen would win. They didn't have a doubt, but I squashed her down with my back talons and pummeled her with my front ones. She shrieked and threw me off, and I landed painfully and she immediately leapt on me and smacked me on the head repeatedly with her tail. When I could take it no more, I fell unconscious. I woke up on one of the spires with all of my limbs pinned to the rock.

I was right next to a SeaWing with chains as well as wires, and she was looking at me with awe. "What?"  I demanded. "It's just that I thought every SkyWing was mean, snarky, and loyal to Scarlet." The name was spoken with such fury that it surprised me.

"And what has Scarlet done to deserve your wrath?" I asked. "Don't you know? I'm a dragnet of destiny. Starflight is a NightWing, Glory is a RainWing, Sunny is a SandWing, and you know Clay."

I started. "What?" she demanded. "Y-you just named every tribe that I saw together a year ago. Also my mother's name is Kestrel."

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter.

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