Chapter 6

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"KESTREL HAD DRAGONETS?!" she roared. " Shush! The guards are going to come over!" I hissed. Sure enough, a minute later, the guards were flying over and one of them stiffly addressed me as they started carefully unbinding me:"Private meeting with the queen." "I don't care two grains of sand about the queen!" I snapped.

I bit and snarled at them the whole time, and I managed to bite a few ears before they bound my mouth shut with a wire. As soon as I was fully unbound, they quickly picked me up and flew me to the ground. When they put me down, in a second I was three feet in front of them, and all they did was herd me in the right direction.

Once I was in the throne room I did nothing and ignored Scarlet. I looked around and saw a RainWing lying, asleep, on a marble three. I remembered Tsunami saying instead of a SkyWing they had a RainWing. I looked closer and saw that she wasn't really sleeping, but she was waiting. Waiting for what was the question. A guard poked me with a long, thin stick and I jerked back into reality.

Scarlet was staring at me impatiently. I glowered at her. "You will be fighting a NightWing in the arena tomorrow for my hatching day." she said. "Take her to her spire." 

I quickly ran out of the room, and my guards had to sprint to catch up. When we got to the arena, they picked my up again and flew me to my spire. They quickly bound me and one of the detached the wire around my snout with a ten-foot-long pike. I was saving a fire bolt, and it ripped itself from my throat. As the screams of the guards faded away, I settled on my spire and fell asleep to this train of thought: ' I wonder whyTsunami isn't here. . .'

The next day dawned bright and windy, as I was jerked from my spire by ten guards. I was too sleepy to fight, so, they relaxed. They brought me to Scarlet's balcony and I was chained to some strong iron bars that stood straight up and down, so I couldn't slip the chain off. A few minutes later, the Dragonets of Destiny (minus Sunny and Glory, of course.) were chained next to me. Tsunami was not there though. She was in the arena.    A/N I'm just going to skip the introductions.     A crazy-looking SeaWing was dropped, writhing, onto the sands.

His eyes were rolling in his head, there were flecks of dried blood around his mouth, as if he had tried to drink his own blood. "Claws up! Tails ready! Fight!" Vermillion shouted. Gill didn't even wait. He tore across the sands towards Tsunami. She leapt over his head and ducked into a roll as she landed, carrying her halfway across the arena. Tsunami spun to face him a Gill turned and charged her again. I heard Clay and Starlight whispering to each other, but I was too busy cheering loudly for Tsunami as Gill tried to flatten her on her back. She slashed her claws through his underbelly and blood splattered across her scales. His talons slipped off her back and he crashed face first into the sand as Tsunami shot out of the way.

Gill was up immediately, seizing her tail and yanking hard, lifting her off her feet. She wriggled in mid-air and sank her teeth into the webbing between his talons. He did the soundless roar again, and dropped her. She whirled and smashed his legs with her tail. He toppled over like a boulder, and Tsunami pounced on his head, pinning his wings down, and grabbing his horns in her front talons. Her weight was too much, and Gill couldn't throw her off. "I've won! We all see that! We can end this now!" Tsunami shouted at the crowd.

 There was no quick reaction, as half a minute later:"KILL HIM!" several SkyWings shouted at once. "Snap his neck! Pull out his teeth! Ooooooo, gouge his eyes! Death! Death! Death! Death!" then all of the SkyWings began shouting at her in unison.

"Maybe our Dragonet of Destiny doesn't have the stomach for war!"Scarlet called snidely. "Maybe war is too scary for her!" Tsunami looked up at Scarlet and the expression on her face as snapped Gill's neck, said all too clearly, I'm imagining this is you.

The dragons in the crowd cheered their heads off  as Gill's body was dragged out of the arena, but they didn't take her to the balcony. Starflight was unchained and herded out into the arena. And a large cage was rolled out. 

A/N I'm going to skip this and get to the interesting part. MUAHAHAHAHA!  

I was harshly unchained and dragged into the arena, and Tsunami and Starflight went white. They had both seen me nearly beat Scarlet, and I loved the terrified look on Starflight's face. I slowly started prowling towards them, and Tsunami got in front to Starflight. I prowled around them as the crowd  cheered at my show of suspense, and they kept turning to always be able to see me.  And then I jumped. Not towards them. Not away. I jumped the opposite way I had been prowling, and I jumped high. I spread my wings as much as I could to kinda glide behind them. I then jumped at them as the crowd cheered my ears off.

I landed on Tsunami and squashed her to the ground. She writhed and squirmed, but she couldn't throw me off. There was a slight sound, and I grabbed Tsunami and jumped. I let go, and therefore Starflight tackled Tsunami to the ground. I burst out laughing as soon as I landed, and Starflight turned around and tackled me. He pinned me on my back and started to breath fire. I smirked, and said:"You really think that's going to work? Try clawing me.". That stopped him and he hesitantly clawed my chest. His claws let no mark, and his eyes widened. "You're an animus." he breathed, and I smiled a genuine smile at the awe in his voice. 

His grip loosened and I flung him off, and I was immediately on him. Tsunami tried to attack from behind but I smacked her away. There was a huge thump and I was knocked off Starflight. I crashed on the sand near the other wall. "The NightWing is ours." a deep voice growled. Tsunami growled and rushed over to me. She helped me up as Scarlet replied, stamping her foot:" But I want to see a NightWing fight her!" I felt like I had been smacked by a mountain. It turned out to be a huge NightWing. He twitched his tail, and a black streak landed beside me.

I roared and flung myself at him, and he easily dodged. He repeatedly attacked me, and I just as easily dodged. I kept dodging until he got tired, and then I lunged and sat on him. "Tsunami, sorry. Tell Peril I say 'Hi'. I'll be at the cave behind the waterfall. Glory, it's time!" I yelled.

 A flick of my tail,  my wings were free, and Glory's silver chain broke. I leapt into the air as Glory lunged, mouth open, at Scarlet. Two jets of venom came out of her fangs.


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