Chapter 9

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A/N I sent this story to my teachers, and they really like it! I'm grateful to them for all their help and inspiration!

After a few minutes, I got bored,and decided to escape. It literally took three seconds. This is what I did: "I enchant my bonds and the cage I am in to disintegrate."I whispered. They disintegrated, and I flew hurriedly up to the top of the pavilion, and saw the D.O.D. and Sky. 

"What're you doing here?!?!" I asked, alarmed. 

"What're you doing here?!?!" Tsunami shot back. I snorted. 

"What'd ya think? I was captured. By your mother." I growled back. She stared at me in shock. 

I thought to Anemone, ' Your sister's at the summer palace.' as I said to Tsunami,"Does your sister know you're h-" I was interrupted by a huge splash, and Queenie Coral burst up.

(I was trying to be sarcastic by saying Queenie)

"What are you doing here?" Coral snarled at me.

"Mother." Anemone whined. "How do you think she feels, being captured,you forcing her to tell you about Gill," Tsunami went white at the mention of Gill,"You forcing me to take away her animus powers,"Tsunami snarled at Coral at this,"How do you think she feels?" Anemone sounded like a teacher scolding her student for not doing her homework in time. She glared at Coral until she, sighing, answered.

"Not happy. Like me." she grumbled. 

"Mother! You dragonnaped one of my best friends?!?!" Tsunami cried. 

"I thought she was an imposter!" Coral cried. 

"I'm going now. No protests!"I shouted as Starfight opened his mouth. "I will stay in the Kingdom Of The Sea. You will find me at the dragon-bone island. I'll make a house in the eye. I'll teach Anemone animus magic," I added at the hopeful look on Anemone's face.

"Absolutely not!" Coral shouted. 

"Mother! Won't you let me have one thing I want!?" Anemone exploded. "I just want you to be safe." Coral lied. "Liar." I snarled. "You just don't want her meddling with non-royals and other tribes. Well guess what? If she becomes queen, she'll have to meddle with other tribes, and her tribe, which is literally full of non-royals. Don't you want to prepare your daughter?! GET LOGICKED! " I shouted. 

I grinned and said," I always wanted to say that to a queen. I mean, as a queen, she should have good judgment, right? If you have even a smidgen of good judgment, then you'll be able to see I won't hurt anyone who doesn't hurt me or my loved ones." 

"Are you saying I don't have good judgment?" Coral demanded. 

"Yes! Haven't you been listening to everything I've been saying?!"

A/N I won't update for a while, because I have two other fan fictions I want to keep going.

A Crimson Sky  (A Wings of fire fan fiction) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now