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A/N The picture above is Kestrel.

It was dark. I was in something, something hard. I lashed out, and my talons hit the side. There was a cracking sound. Delighted with my success, I lashed out again. The fourth time I lashed out, a piece of the thing broke.

I was momentarily blinded by the light that spilled through the hole. Then, after three more strikes, it gave way. 

I tumbled out of the thing and onto soft grass. I looked over my shoulder and saw a broken crimson egg. I looked up.

And saw my mother.

She was so tall I had to crane my neck to see her head. Her red-gold scales were gleaming in the sunlight as she looked at me. 

"Hello," She said softly. She tipped het head at me. "Crimson."

I tipped my head in confusion. "That's your name, little one.", she laughed softly.

"Mother?" I said. Or rather, I tried to say. It came out more like "Mafdjar?" 

There was a cracking sound, like when I broke out of my egg. I turned around and saw another egg behind mine. It was orange and copper and red. There was a long crack in the side. Then there was another cracking sound and a piece of eggshell fell off. Two more cracking sound and the egg broke apart. But instead of one dragonet, there were two. 

One was female and a smoking copper color that looked like she was burning, the other was male and a pale orange. "I'll name you Inferno," Mother pointed to the copper one," and Apricot." she pointed to the pale orange one.

A Crimson Sky  (A Wings of fire fan fiction) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now