Chapter 1

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A/N The picture above is Crimson.


Mother lead us up a tall cliff to teach us how to fly.

Once we were at the top, Mother said, "Jump off the cliff and open your wings. Don't flap them, just open them. You have to count on the wind to lift you up, which is why I chose this cliff to teach you. Can anyone guess why?"

I raised my talon. "There's an updraft?" "Correct!", Mother purred. "Since you guessed correctly, you get to go first, Crimson!"

I walked calmly to the edge, trying not to let my family see that I was nervous. I opened my large wings and took a few steps back, to get some speed and momentum. I ran and jumped off the cliff. The ground rushed towards me and I found myself internally screaming.'Wind! Catch me!' I scream-thought. Then, like magic, I was lifted up by the wind!

I yelled up at Mother, "What now?" 

She hollered back, "Flap a few times!" I did so and I went up. I leaned forward and soared forward. I beat my wings to go up, then I closed my wings to dive down to pick up speed, and I opened them right before I hit the water.

The spray from the waves hit me and a breeze hit my face. I sighed in happiness and closed my eyes to saver the moment. I heard Apricot and Inferno cheering as I opened my eyes and flew back to them.

"That was amazing, Crimson!" Inferno and Apricot chorused as I landed beside them. I laughed. "It was a truly amazing experience." I admitted. " You guys will love it, too.

The rest of the day went really well. Inferno and Apricot both flew on their first try, just like me. We all went for a flight together, and we went up high then dived down and flew right before we hit the water. We all agreed it was an amazing day. As I lay beside my family, I thought,' Oh, I forgot to tell them about my. . .' but I never finished the train of thought, because I fell asleep.

The next morning dawned bright and warm. Which was weird, because it was always cool and semi-bright in the cave we slept in. I sighed, but for some reason I couldn't open my mouth. I opened my eyes, and looked at my talons, which were tied together tightly with rope. My mouth, wings and back talons were also tied together.

 There were strange creatures in front of me, and they were conversing in squeaks and burbles. I looked over and saw my family, all tied up in the same way. Inferno, being a firescales, was in a sort of obsidian cage cube.

'I wish I could understand them. Wait, I remember those things! They're scavengers!' I thought. And then I could. " Where were they, Leaf?",said one with black hair. " They were in a cave, north of the village." I then realized that we were in a clearing, next to small houses." One one them is sorta smoking, as though they're burning inside." , the scavenger called Leaf continued.

I growled at the scavengers, and they jumped in fright. "Quick! Tranquilize her again!" One of the scavengers called out. I roared a loud as I could and al the scavengers backed away as my family woke up.

 I broke the rope around my snout and breathed a bolt of white fire that burned the rope on Inferno, Apricot, and Mother's snouts. We all roared at the scavengers, and more came to tie our snouts shut again. 

It didn't work.

 We breathed a bolt of fire at them that barely missed, barely singed their clothes. I then noticed a flash of green in the corner of my eye, but it was too late. A scavenger leapt out from behind us and snapped metal band around our snouts. We struggled against our bond and I discreetly broke the rope around my wings and talons.

 I used my talons to discreetly unlock the band around my mouth, and my talon to cut the rope around my back talons. I jumped to my talons, and, before anyone could blink twice, I had cut the ropes binding my family's wings together.

One second later, the bands of metal had fallen to the ground, another second, the ropes around the talon fell off from a command from me, another second, the obsidian slabs that formed the obsidian cube-cage fell apart. By then my family had cut the rope tying their back talons together, and we were off like a rocket.


A Crimson Sky  (A Wings of fire fan fiction) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now