Chapter 10

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I started to walk away and flicked my tail. I was instantly in a two room house, one was the bedroom, the other was a kitchen/dining room/living room with a  table, an island, and a stuffed bookshelf. 'Now that I don't really have to worry about much, what can I do to stop Tsu- I mean, the D.O.D. from getting into more trouble?' I mentally snorted. 'What's the best thing I can do to prevent that?' I sighed heavily when I knew what I had to do.

I had to leave.

I flicked my tail and grabbed Sky's and Wren's arm. I flicked my tail again, and told him, "We have to leave." I flicked my tail and a pen and pencil appeared, and I started writing. "What're you doing?" Wren asked me. "Writing a note." I said shortly before putting it on the table. Sky grabbed it and read it quickly. I smiled weakly, because the paper was enchanted. To anyone but Tsunami, it would say, 'Dear D.O.D , We had to leave to try to keep you out of more trouble. Love, Crimson, Sky, and Wren.'  But to Tsunami's eyes, it said- well, you'll find out.


I growled under my breath as Whirlpool shouted, "I am not impressed with your work ethic!" I dived into the entrance and tried to swim to the dragon-bone island. The currents were too strong, so I surfaced and flew the rest of the way. I finally made it to the dragon-skeleton island, and flew hurriedly into the eye.

I saw a side tunnel and knew it was the passage to her house. I ran inside and stopped abruptly. It was deserted. Nothing was moving. I saw a slip of paper, and grabbed it. It was a note.

Dear Tsunami,

I knew you would be the first to be here, so I wanted to share this with you. In this letter I will tell you a lie, a wish, two secrets, and a request. 

First, the lie of history. I ask you to reject history and make your own fate. You do not need to follow the fate someone sets you, you can make your own. You don't have to fulfill the prophecy someone else's way. You are unique, and therefore you should fulfill it as uniquely as possible.

Second, the wish. My wish is that you and your friends will stop getting into so much fricken trouble and danger!

Now, the secrets. The first one is; I'm gay. The second one is; I have loved you from the moment I saw you. It was like, a part of me that I didn't even know was asleep woke up when I saw you. I would die for you, I would kill for you, I would do anything for you. No one else knows this, not even Sky, Kestrel, and Wren, and I would like it to stay that way.  DO NOT tell anyone, ESPECIALLY Glory.

Finally, the request. Go to the pond in the middle of a hidden island about a mile north of the coastal scavenger den tomorrow. I will be there.

I will always be near. If you smell an exotic smell, know I am there. I will always be there.

Love, Crimson.

I started to cry. I then heard a whoosh, and wiped away my tears.

One day later 

I gathered my wings, and told Queen Coral, "I'll be back tonight." 

"Where're you going?" she demanded. "Tsunami, tell me!" 

"On a date!" I shouted back. "With who?" she shouted. "You won't like who!" She tried to fly after me, but I swerved around pillars and islands until she lost me. It took a while to get to the island. When I did, I looked for the pond, and about 10 minutes later I found it. 


I looked up a whoosh, and my face lit up as Tsunami landed. I bopped her on the snout and danced away as she tried to poke me back. As I danced around her, I started humming Love Someone, by Lukas Graham. 

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