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I woke up feeling completely distressed and confused, I hadn't seen Ron or Fred all day , I asked mione and George, I even waited by the corridors where Ron always waits for me and he wasn't there, had it happen? Had The Weasley's actually been expelled? All I could do was think about what I would say to Dumbledore after my classes, Ron and Fred weren't even in class today and no-one had seen them, After classes finished I walked up to the golden bird looking thing and watched it lift me up off the ground pulling my body downwards, it went up into a spiral and finally stopped as I stepped onto the cold hard floor in this shrine looking room , I walked in slowly the room seemed homey yet so frightening all at once, snooping a bit I lifted papers and read them to see if there was anything on Fred and Ron, as I was reading a paper on all the kids who had gotten in-trouble before, I hear a Startling voice exclaiming "hello y/n fancy seeing you here." I jumped and rushed to put the papers down before a face came into view,  Dumbledore comes stepping slowly down the stares lifting his long cape looking robe as he walked .

"Hello professor, I came here to ask you a question about Fred and Ron."

"Ah yes the  Weasley's"

"Yes professor the Weasley's, did you expel them?"

"No dear I didn't we had a bit of a talk but I let them go afterwards, I hadn't let them go untill they made up, The Weasley's are such a close family I'd hate to see them apart over one simple misunderstanding."

So where the hell had they gone? I thought, "thank you, have a good evening." I said and took the spiral back down, where were Fred and Ron and why hadn't I seen them? I began to worry as I sat in my dorm, i decided that I should go looking myself , I waited Untill it was 1am and trudged to Hagrid's, hopefully he could tell me what the bloody hell was going on.

I knocked on the door firmly turning my head to watch my back as I waited for the door to swing open, just as the thought to go back to my dorm swarmed my head the door swung open, "oh hi Hagrid!" I said smiling "hiya y/n, what er ya doin here?" He said toppling over me, "well I was wondering if you had seen Fred and Ron ? I haven't seen them since they fought during detention and I'm getting worried." Hagrid raised his eyebrows and stepped backwards motioning me inside, "well er I seen them in the forest just a while down, they said they had some surprise goin on." My eyes widened and relief filled my whole body so happy someone had seen them, before Hagrid could make tea I said "Thanks Hagrid!" And ran out of the door toward the forest.

Lumos, I whispered to my wand as a bright white light emerged from it , Fred! Ron! I called out walking slowly feeling the crunchy leaves below my feet, it was dark and foggy like a horror scene, I began to hear voices and see things that didn't look human and I began to shake, "Hello!! WHOS THERE?" I called upon the shadows walking faster and deeper into the forest, I slowed down to catch my breath and I suddenly felt an arm on my shoulder , not hesitating and thinking the worst I screamed  "NOX, STUPEFY" and seen the shadow stretch out like a starfish and fly back, "LUMOS." I screamed I sighed when I seen Ron on the floor groaning in pain , "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU SCARE ME LIKE THAT YOU BLOODY MINK." I said upset yet relieved to see him, " bloody hell y/n I didn't think you would react like that." He said pulling himself to his feet, "WHERES FRED WHERE WERE YOU TWO AND WHY ARE YOU IN THE BLOODY FOREST!" I screamed at him following his body with my eyes as he got up, "Follow me." He said as he grabbed my hand walking me into the direction of a light, "where are we going?" I said confused but I trusted Ron, "somewhere, here let me cover your eyes, trust me." He said walking behind me and putting his big hands over my eyes, butterflies were released in my stomach as he gently placed his hands over my eyes, anytime he touches me everything else fades away, through his hands I could see the light grow brighter as we stopped, I held his hands as they were over my eyes smiling from ear to ear , "when I get to one I want you to open your eyes okay? Keep them closed until I say so." He said in my ear in a deep whispery voice, I could feel his warm breath on me and it was like heaven, "okay." I said "3.... he began, 2.....1." He said taking his hands from my face, I open my eyes to a beautiful  tent swarming with fireflies supplying the light, beautiful vines hanging off the tent in just the right places with a picnic set up  just outside the tent.

"Ron, What is all this!" I said smiling and looking up at him, " well me and Fred were working on this all day and we told everyone not to tell you, this is my way of apologizing for frightening you earlier, love." I looked up at him as he put his hand on my face kissing me passionately, sparks flew in every direction inside of me and I felt at home, "okay love bugs it wasn't all his doings, get it, bugs, because of the fireflies?" Said Fred coming out from behind the tent. Me and Ron chuckled at Fred's corny pun and I turned to face him, "I just wanted to say sorry for what I did before, it was messed up and I shouldn't have, I'm really sorry." Fred said looking at me, "it's okay Fred, thank you ." I said smiling and hugging him tightly, "well now that that's over I'll be on my way, oh and there's a charm spell on this set up for sound and eyes, so no-one can see or hear you guys, do what that information what you will." Fred said winking at the both of us , we rolled our eyes and watched him walk off into the distance holding his wand and then sat down on the blanket full of food to enjoy.

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